Scala-tes-prop provides test cases generator then run test function with them. Finally it will println test result information and return a boolean value to tell you test result which can be asserted by scala test.
Generator is basic component in scala-test-prop, which can generate test cases you want. For example, if you want to get a range integer, you see following code:
import prop.gen.Gen
// return a Gen[Int] with integer range in (1,10), but the range exclusive 10
Gen.choose(1, 10)
It also can generate other generator, such as Gen.odd(10,100)
, Gen.listOf(10, Gen.choose(10,100))
. The first function will return random odd integer from 10 to 100, but inclusive 100. The second function will return a list with 10 size whose
elements range is between 10 and 100 but exclusive 100. You can find more in Object Gen
Now, you have knew how to obtain a generator, but how to run testing function with them? The Executor match to Gen
is Prop
. Prop
is running parameters to testing result container. You can do &&
or ||
with two Prop
, the implement you can refer:
You can call Prop.test(n,rng)
to get test result. The first parameter is how many test cases will be taken to test. The second parameter is random number generator. You can get it by RNG.get
. We have provided some default value to make you use it eaisily.
If you want to test a sorted function, you can generate a Gen[List[A]]
first, then test it by Prop
, you can refer following code:
package test.prop.gen
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import prop.gen._
class ListOfFixedSizeSpec extends FlatSpec {
"test listOf with fixed size" should "success" in {
// Generate list with 20 size whose element is between 10 and 100
val g = Gen.listOfN(20, Gen.choose(10, 100))
val p = Prop.forAll(g) { r =>
// Writing what you want to test, make sure it last result is boolean.
val s = r.sorted
val h = s.headOption => !r.exists(_ < rs)).getOrElse(true)
// In default, test function will run checked function with 10 test cases.
Because test function return a boolean value, if the value is true, representing the all test cases passed, you can combine it with scala-test assert. At same time, Prop.test
also println some test information in console. If all test cases passed, it will print [info] OK, 10 testcases passed
, otherwise will print [error] test case failure, case by...,But success n times
you can also generate a list with random size by Gen.listOfN(Gen.choose(10, 20), Gen.choose(10, 100))
Sometimes, once or twice testing don't test whether a bug in checked function. We may want a test way, which can increase the test cases gradually until run enough times we assigned. SProp
is born in time!
For example, If you want to test a sorted function and want to test it 20 times with test cases increasing gradually. You can choose SProp
, you can refer following code:
package test.prop.sgen
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import prop.gen._
class SPropFixedStepSpec extends FlatSpec {
"test SProp with sorted function by fixed step increasing" should "success" in {
// geneate a list with random size whose element is random
val g = Gen.listOfN(Gen.choose(100, 200), Gen.choose(300, 400))
// conver Gen into SGen, it is very simply
val sg = g.unsized
// similar with Prop.forAll, just return a boolean result
val p = SProp.forAll(sg) { r =>
val s = r.sorted
val h = s.headOption => !r.exists(_ < rs)).getOrElse(true)
// run the checked function
// the minimal test cases will be run first
minTestCase = 10,
// the step the test cases will increase by
step = 1,
// how many time the function will be run
testTimes = 20,
// whether use random step
randomStep = false
The function will take 10 test cases first, then increase test cases by step 1 unitl it run 20 times. In this way, it will reduce testing fortuity.
But sometimes, fixed step could be stiff, So we also prepare a random step between 1 and n which you assigned. You just need
assign randomStep=true
, we will genereate random step between 1 and n
We has give some default parameters to test
function, So you can not pass any parameters to test
The Gen
is so easy and elegant, but it has some bugs:
If you want to test Gen.listOfN
with a big size list, it will throw stack overflow
. The tempoary solution is you can increase stack size by jvm prameters with -Xss500M
. You can write it in a file named .jvmopts
in sbt project root directory.
I will try to fix it in the future!
You can add following code in your build.sbt file to get it:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.knewhow" %% "scalaprop" % "1.0"