kijuky / sbt-yamory   6.1.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

yamory for sbt.

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0


yamory for sbt.


This plugin requires bash, and sbt 1.6+


addSbtPlugin("io.github.kijuky" % "sbt-yamory" % version)

for Scala project

Set environment variable: PROJECT_GROUP_KEY and YAMORY_API_KEY.


yamorySbtScriptUrl := "https://yamory/script/..."

and run

sbt yamory

then scan results are recorded in yamory.

You should set yamorySbtScriptUrl. if it is empty, the yamory task do nothing.

for Scala.js project

Since yamory supports the npm project, you can scan the node packages used by your scala.js project.

Set environment variable: PROJECT_GROUP_KEY and YAMORY_API_KEY.


yamoryNpmScriptUrl := "https://yamory/script/..."
  • Share yamoryProjectGroupKey and yamoryApiKey.
  • If you are using scalajs-bundler and you are using npmDependencies, you need to add the following settings:
    yamoryNpmManifest := "./target/scala-2.12/scalajs-bundler/main/package.json"
    If you omit this setting, ./package.json will be referenced.

and run

sbt yamoryNpm

You should set yamoryNpmScriptUrl. if it is empty, the yamoryNpm task do nothing.

then scan results are recorded in yamory.

for Developers


Run test for regular unit tests.

Run scripted for sbt script tests.


  1. push tag vX.Y.Z