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Scala wrapper around java mail which allows you to send emails. The default configuration options exposed in Configuration work using Amazon SES SMTP.
You can add the scala-mailer to SBT, by adding the following to your build.sbt file
libraryDependencies += "net.kaliber" %% "play-mailer" % "6.0.0"
import net.kaliber.mailer._
subject = "Test mail",
from = EmailAddress("Erik Westra sender", "[email protected]"),
text = "text",
htmlText = "htmlText",
replyTo = None,
recipients = List(Recipient(
RecipientType.TO, EmailAddress("Erik Westra recipient", "[email protected]"))),
attachments = Seq.empty)
// a more convenient way to create an email
val email = Email(
subject = "Test mail",
from = EmailAddress("Erik Westra sender", "[email protected]"),
text = "text",
htmlText = "htmlText")
.to("Erik Westra TO", "[email protected]")
.cc("Erik Westra CC", "[email protected]")
.bcc("Erik Westra BCC", "[email protected]")
.replyTo("Erik Westra REPLY_TO", "[email protected]")
Attachment("attachment1", Array[Byte](0, 1), "application/octet-stream"),
Attachment("attachment2", Array[Byte](0, 1), "application/octet-stream", Disposition.Inline))
import net.kaliber.mailer._
val mailerSettings = MailerSettings(
protocol = Some("smtps"),
host = "",
port = "465",
failTo = "[email protected]",
auth = Some(true),
username = Some("Smtp username as generated by Amazon"),
password = Some("Smtp password")
val result = new Mailer(Session.fromSetting(mailerSettings)).sendEmail(email)
.map { unit =>
// mail sent successfully
.recover {
case SendEmailException(email, cause) =>
// problem sending email
case SendEmailTransportCloseException(result, cause) =>
// problem closing connection
import net.kaliber.mailer._
val mailerSettings = MailerSettings(
protocol = Some("smtps"),
host = "",
port = "465",
failTo = "[email protected]",
auth = Some(true),
username = Some("Smtp username as generated by Amazon"),
password = Some("Smtp password")
val result = new Mailer(Session.fromSetting(mailerSettings)).sendEmails(email1, email2)
.map { results =>
results.foreach {
case Success(_) =>
//mail sent successfully
case Failure(SendEmailException(email, cause)) =>
//failed to send email, cause provides more information
.recover {
case SendEmailException(email, cause) =>
// problem sending email
case SendEmailTransportCloseException(result, cause) =>
// problem closing connection
should contain the following information:
mail.failTo="[email protected]"
#only required if mail.auth=true (the default)
mail.username="Smtp username as generated by Amazon"
mail.password="Smtp password"
can additionally contain the following information:
#default is smtps
#default is true
import net.kaliber.mailer._
val result = new Mailer(Session.fromConfiguration(configuration)).sendEmail(email)
.map { unit =>
// mail sent successfully
.recover {
case SendEmailException(email, cause) =>
// problem sending email
case SendEmailTransportCloseException(result, cause) =>
// problem closing connection
import net.kaliber.mailer._
val results = new Mailer(Session.fromConfiguration(configuration)).sendEmails(Seq(email1, email2))
.map { results =>
results.foreach {
case Success(_) =>
//mail sent successfully
case Failure(SendEmailException(email, cause)) =>
//failed to send email, cause provides more information
.recover {
case SendEmailException(email, cause) =>
// problem sending email
case SendEmailTransportCloseException(result, cause) =>
// problem closing connection