Suppose you feel inspired and excited about taking a new adventure. You come accross a cool language called Scala, you become proficient in it and you want to use it everywhere, including your internship project. Well, ok, that was my case. But it can be yours too. So here you have a library I have developed to allow authentication against the UJI SSO (Jaume I University, Spain).
This minimal module has been ported from Java (servlets api) and php code, the only two existing alternatives until now. They were developed by the UJI itself. However, this library is totally async, built up on top of Spray and Akka.
A good point is that there is a lot of documentation (check out source code and tests) and I have tried to be very clear in the protocol specification. Now, if you want you can built your own library in your favorite language (Clojure, Ruby, etc) without any excuse. Just read and code.
First, import into your build.sbt or mvn (the following example is using SBT):
"com.github.jvican" %% "ujisso" % "1.2"
Mixin the Uji Authentication trait and implement hookWhenAuthenticated, the function the library will execute when the authentication has succeed. After that, you have to declare a callback as an URI, in order to redirect to that callback when the user has logged out from the UJI SSO. This callback is callbackWhenLoggedOut.
Having imported the dependencies of Akka and Spray for server routing use ujiRoutes, which is of type Routes, inside your server routes in spray-routing.
import spray.routing.SimpleRoutingApp
import ujisso._
object Main extends App with SimpleRoutingApp {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
startServer(interface = "localhost", port = 8080) {
path("hello") {
get {
complete {
} ~ // This is the operator to bind several routes in one
ujiRoutes // This is the trick that maps /uji/login and /uji/logout
With this setup, if a client makes a request to /uji/login, your server will log in the user (if it's not already) and when this operation has succeeded, the function hookWhenAuthenticated will be executed. You have to implement this function as you want. The common thing is to redirect to a private resource only available to authenticated users, as a profile page or a dashboard. If a user makes a request /uji/logout, he will be logged out from the UJI SSO.
Sometimes, the requests to the UJI SSO can fail. To avoid these cases, the XML-RPC requests to the server will be retried three times in case of failure.
Also, the UJI cookies stored in the client's browser will have the option httpOnly to prevent JS from access the token. The cookies are not encrypted,
so if you are using SSL enable them with the SecureCookies
This is a default setting present in all the implementations of the SSO authenticator.
If you would like to change this behavior, just override one of the following variables:
val HttpOnlyCookies = true
val SecureCookies = false
val DefaultRetry = 3
val RetryNewSession = DefaultRetry
val RetryCheckSession = DefaultRetry