jvican / sbt-drone   0.1.1

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Sbt plugin to access the Drone runtime environment.

Scala versions: 2.10
sbt plugins: 0.13


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Simple sbt plugin that exposes the Drone CI environment variables in sbt.

It currently supports Drone 0.5.


Add the following line to your plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("me.vican.jorge" % "sbt-drone" % "0.1.0")


This gives you access to two settings:

  val insideDrone: SettingKey[Boolean] = settingKey("Checks if CI is executing the build.")
  val droneEnvironment: SettingKey[Option[CIEnvironment]] = settingKey("Get the Drone environment.")

These settings are scoped for every project.

  1. insideDrone.value will tell you whether you're running it in the CI.
  2. droneEnvironment.value will allow you to get information on:
    • Drone build information (event, status, creation date, etc).
    • Author information (name, email, avatar).
    • Commit information (sha, branch, link, message, author, etc).
    • Repository information (full name, owner, etc).

To see the list of all the exposed environment variables, see the Drone 0.5 documentation.