Make your own Scala pickled signatures.
Takes class info as strings and gives back pickled Scala signatures. For use with Java bytecode engineering libraries.
Why? Because existing Java bytecode-engineering tools can't see or alter a pickled Scala signature, thus the altered classes are incomplete in cases where Scala code has no Java equivalent. Artisanal-Pickle-Maker hopes to solve this by updating an altered class's Scala signtature to reflect changes made to the bytecode.
Available for Scala 2.11 (see branches for other supported versions).
Add the following dependency to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.julianpeeters" %% "artisanal-pickle-maker" % "0.10.1"
Get an artisanal.pickle.maker.ScalaSig
val scalaSig = new ScalaSig(List("case class"), List("mypackage", "MyRecord"), List(("x", "String"), ("y", "Option[Int]"))
gives the encoded bytes as a UTF-8 String. This is the normal storage format of a natural pickled Scala signature.
Thus, scalaSig.bytes
is identical to the encoded string that would be found in the ScalaSignature
annotation of the conventionally defined class:
`package models`
`case class MyRecord(x: String, y: Option[Int])`
##Currently supports:## Are you generating or modifying Scala classes with ASM or another bytecode engineering library? Then add an updated pickled sig and make your class whole!
Classes - The generation of Scala sigs for regular and case classes that have value members only (signatures will not reflect user-defined defs, i.e., this doesn't yet support classes with defs due to concerns of hygiene).
Datatypes -
- Byte
- Short
- Int
- Long
- Float
- Double
- Char
- String
- Boolean
- Null
- Nothing
- Any
- AnyRef
- List
- Option
- user-defined (i.e. other classes)
##In the future:##
Datatypes - Support for more collections besides just List
and Option
Extension - Support for flags that allow arbitrary extension (?)
Classes - Support for flags other than "case class" (?)
##Constructive advice is appreciated!##