Randomization utility functions.
randInt(low: Int, high: Int): Int
roll(sides: Int): Int
nRolls(n: Int, sides: Int): Int
rollFromZero(sides: Int): Int
- Returns an Int from 0 to (sides - 1)
flip(): Int
- Returns 0 or 1
rolledByOdds(odds: Double): Boolean
- Takes a Double from 0 to 1. Rolls against the odds.
pickItem[A](s: Seq[A]): A
kRandIntsBetween(k: Int, low: Int, high: Int): Seq[Int]
- Returns k unique Ints from low and high
pickKItems[A](k: Int, s: Seq[A]): Seq[A]
- Picks k unique items from s