jtescher / sbt-jolokia   1.1.3

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Jolokia support for any artifacts built with sbt-native-packager

Scala versions: 2.10
sbt plugins: 0.13

SBT Jolokia

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Jolokia support for any artifacts built with sbt-native-packager.

SBT versions 0.13 and 1.0 are supported.

Useful Links

The following is a list of useful links related to Jolokia


The plugin assumes that sbt-native-packager has been included in your SBT build configuration. This can be done by adding the plugin following instructions at scala-sbt.org/sbt-native-packager or by adding another plugin that includes and initializes it (e.g. the SBT plugin for Play Framework 2.4.x).

Installation for sbt-native-packager > 1.0.0 and Play Framework > 2.4.0

Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.jatescher" % "sbt-jolokia" % "1.1.3")

To use the Jolokia settings in your project, add the Jolokia auto-plugin to your project.



To use a specific jolokia-jvm version, add the following to your build.sbt file:

jolokiaVersion := "1.3.7"

To set the location of the access policy file (for example, to /etc/jolokia/jolokia-access.xml):

jolokiaPolicyLocation :="file:/etc/jolokia/jolokia-access.xml"


This project uses sbt-scripted to run its tests. To test this project run:

$ sbt scripted