jodersky / yamlesque   0.3.2

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Reads like yaml, writes like yaml; it must be yaml!

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13
Scala.js versions: 1.x
Scala Native versions: 0.4


project chat yamlesque Scala version support stability: soft

Pure Scala YAML parsing.

As the name suggests, "yaml-esque" is a Scala implementation of the most frequently used YAML features. It takes inspiration from Li Haoyi's ujson library and aims to provide an idiomatic API that is cross-platform and has no dependencies.

Getting Started

Include yamlesque into a project.

  • mill:

  • sbt:

    "io.crashbox" %%% "yamlesque" % "<latest_tag>"

Yamlesque is available for Scala 3 and 2.13, including ScalaJS and Native.

It should also work with Scala 2.12, 2.11, 2.10 and 2.9, although no pre-compiled libraries are published for these versions.

👉 Online Converter 👈

Built with ScalaJS, this online converter allows you to transform YAML to JSON as you type.

Read Some YAML

val text = s"""|name: yamlesque
               |description: a YAML library for scala
               |  - name: Jakob Odersky
               |    id: jodersky

val yaml: yamlesque.Value =

val id = yaml.obj("authors").arr(0).obj("id").str

println(id) // == "jodersky"

Write Some YAML

import yamlesque as y
val config = y.Obj(
  "auth" -> y.Obj(
    "username" -> y.Str("admin"),
    "password" -> y.Str("guest")
  "interfaces" -> y.Arr(
      "address" -> y.Str(""),
      "port" -> y.Str("80")
      "address" -> y.Str(""),
      "port" -> y.Str("443")

val stringly = config.render()


will result in

  username: admin
  password: guest
  - address:
    port: 80
  - address:
    port: 443

Official YAML Conformance

Yamlesque does not strictly implement all features as defined in YAML 1.2, however support should be sufficient for most regular documents.

A major point of divergence between official YAML and this library is the way in which typing of strings is done. Whereas official YAML implicitly casts strings to narrower types when possible (for example the string "2" is treated as the number 2), this library always treats strings as text. This approach leads to a more uniform parsing system which avoids many subtle bugs, including the infamous Norway Problem. In your application of course, you are still free to attempt to read strings as diffferent types. Just the parser won't do this for you.

Available features:

  • strings: plain (i.e. scalars) and double quoted
  • block-style strings (| and >)
  • lists and maps
  • comments

Features which are currently not supported but for which support is planned:

  • multiple documents (i.e. ---)
  • single quoted strings

Unsupported features with no planned implementation:

  • anchors and references
  • flow-styles (aka inline JSON)
  • chomping modifiers (e.g. the '-' in '>-')
  • tags

Pull requests with additional feature implementations are always welcome!


The core type yamlesque.Value is a geny.Writable. This means that it will work "out-of-the-box" with many other libraries from the "Singaporean Stack". Some examples:

Read YAML from a file, using the os-lib library: / "config.yaml"))

Send it as part of a HTTP request, using the scala-requests library:

val yaml: yamlesque.Value = ...
  body = yaml

Send it as part of a HTTP response, using the cask framework.