jodersky / simplesql   0.4.0

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A no-frills SQL library for Scala 3

Scala versions: 3.x

Simple SQL

A no-frills SQL library for Scala 3.

SimpleSQL is a very thin wrapper around JDBC, which allows you to take full advantage of full SQL and any database with a JDBC driver.

SimpleSQL is not a functional DSL to build SQL queriesq, but it does offer safe string interpolation and utilities to work with product types, wich are the natural representation of relational data sets.

SimpleSQL only uses Hikari for database connection pooling, but has no dependencies otherwise (and even that can easily be removed). It is published to maven central, under io.crashbox:simplesql_3:0.4.0, but it can also be embedded by copying the file simplesql/src/simplesql.scala into your application!


import simplesql as sq

// a plain DataSource is needed, this example uses a connection pool implemented
// by HicariCP
val ds = sq.DataSource.pooled("jdbc:sqlite::memory:")

// all queries must be run within the context of a connection, use either
// `<ds>.run` or `<ds>.transaction` blocks
    create table user (
      id integer primary key,
      name text not null,
      email text not null

  sql"select * from user".read[(Int, String, String)]
  sql"""insert into user values (1, 'admin', '[email protected]')""".write()

  case class User(id: Int, name: String, email: String) derives sq.Reader
  sql"select * from user".read[User]

  sql"select name, id from user where id = ${1}".read[(String, Int)]


Database connection

All queries must be run on a connection to a database. SimpleSQL models this through a Connection class, which is just a simple wrapper around java.sql.Connection.

A connection may be obtained as a context function through either <datasource>.run or <datasource>.transaction. Both functions provide a connection, however the latter will automatically roll back any changes, should an exception be thrown in its body.

An in-scope connection also gives access to the sql string interpolator. This interpolator is a utility to build simplesql.Querys, which are builders for java.sql.PreparedStatements. In other words, it can be used to build injection-safe queries with interpolated parameters. Interpolated parameters must be primitve types (supported by JDBC).

Read Queries

Read queries (e.g. selects) must be run in a read call. A read must have its result type specified. The result type may be any primitive type supported by JDBC ResultSets or a product thereof (including named products, i.e. case classes).

Fields of case classes are converted to snake_case in the database. You can override this by annotating them with simplesql.col("name").

Write Queries

Write queries (e.g. insertions, updates, deletes and table alterations) must be run in a write call.


Simplesql also has an experimental module to manage database migrations. This is included if simplesql is consumed via maven, otherwise it must be added by copying the file in simplesql/src/simplesql/migrations.scala.

Essentially, the module works by looking for .sql files in a folder on the classpath (typically packaged in your final application jar) and applying them "in order" to reach a specific version (see below). The module also adds a special table to your datasource to keep track of which migrations have been already applied.

Defining a migration

A migration is an sql file which consists of:

  • a unique name
  • a reference to the version which precedes it (or "base" if nothing should precede it)
  • upgrade sql statements
  • downgrade sql statements

this information apart from the file name is encoded in the following way:

-- prev: <prev version>

  -- upgrade statements

-- down:

  -- downgrade statements

The upgrade and downgrade statements are placeholders for actual SQL. The -- prev and -- down comments have special meaning for migrations however and must appear literally.

See simplesql/test/resources/migrations/ for some example files.

Applying a migration

val mdb = simplesql.migrations.MigrationTool.fromClasspath(

mdb.applyUp("0001_data.sql") // migrate upwards to explicit version
mdb.applyUp("head") // "head" means the "newest" version, it will fail if there are multiple newest versions
mdb.applyDown("base") // "base" is a special version which means the initial version before any migration was ever applied

Note: we recommend only ever downgrading for development purposes. In production, any mistakes should always be corrected with upgrading migrations.

Order of migrations

Each migration must have a pointer to a previous migration file. When applying a migration, the system will first do a topological sort from the target migration, and then apply migrations that are necessary.

Using explicit pointers instead of relying on filename order has a couple of benefits:

  • It allows branching during development.
  • Since and error will occur if attempting to migrate to the head version when there are multiple heads, it eliminates a source of data corruption if multiple migrations are devloped simultanously and merged together without rebasing them into a linear sequence.


The idea of branching in the migration library has been inspired from Alembic. However, instead of allowing migration merges, we explicitly require rebases to a linear history. Also, migration versions correspond 1-1 with file names instead of synthetic version identifiers that are part of the file names. We believe that this allows developers to benefit from lexicographically sorted migrations (e.g. by calling your migrations 0000-init.sql, 0001-foo.sql, 0002-bar.sql etc), but still prevent accidental non-determinism when developing concurrently with others. It also makes it easy to write migrations by hand without the need of a separate too to manage them for us.



  • Rework migrations module to a graph-based system.


  • Make run and transaction methods of DataSource instead of top-level functions. Also make read and write() methods on the type returned by sql. This removes an argument list in syntax. E.g. instead of


    the syntax is now

  • Include HikariCP as a dependency for convenience

  • Separate the reader hierarchy in two:

    • primitive "simple" readers read database columns and typically map to primitive database types
    • normal readers user tuples of simple readers to read rows and map them to more complex scala types
  • Readers of case classes use column names instead of positions.


See git history