jeffersonzapata / logz   0.2.3

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Simple lightweight logging library open to extension

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12


CircleCI Maven Central License

Simple lightweight logging library

  • Composable
  • Modular
  • Open to extension
  • And it can help you to save some money with Log Buffer .

Getting Started

Add the following dependencies to you build.sbt

"com.github.jeffersonzapata" %%  "logz-core"              % "0.0.1"  // core lightweight abstractions
"com.github.jeffersonzapata" %%  "logz-test-instances"    % "0.0.1"  // test instances
"com.github.jeffersonzapata" %%  "logz-slf4j"             % "0.0.1"  // slf4j instances
"com.github.jeffersonzapata" %%  "logz-context-provider"  % "0.0.1"

Core Module

let your functions/libraries be part of the application history without committing to a specific implementation (it doesn't depends on any external dependencies).

import logz.Logger

def addTwoNumbers(a: Int, b: Int)(implicit logger: Logger[IO]): IO[Int] = {
  for {
    _ <- Logger.debug[IO](s"I'm adding $a plus $b")
    c <- IO(a + b)
    _ <-[IO](s"The result is $c!")
  } yield c

Logz Instances

Choose how the history should be written. logz-slf4j, logz-test-instances and logz-context-provider provide useful implementations


SLF4JLogger provides a SLF4J basic implementation

import logz.Logger
import logz.instances.slf4j.SLF4JLogger

val slf4jLogger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("LogzExample")

implicit val logger: Logger[IO] = SLF4JLogger[IO](slf4jLogger)
addTwoNumbers(4, 6)

//[main] DEBUG LogzExample  - I'm adding 4 plus 6
//[main] INFO  LogzExample  - the result is 10!

Add context to your logs with LoggerContext

// Context will marks you logs with a identifier
import logz.instances.slf4j.SLF4JLoggerMarkerContext    // recommended
import logz.instances.slf4j.SLF4JLoggerMDCContext       // not recommend for multi-thread applications

val slf4jLogger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("LogzExample")

implicit val loggerContext: LoggerContext[IO] = SLF4JLoggerMarkerContext[IO](slf4jLogger)
val ctx: Context = Context()

for {
  result <- addTwoNumbers(4, 6)
  _      <-[IO](ctx)(s"I got the result $result!")
} yield result

//[main] DEBUG LogzExample  - I'm adding 4 plus 6      // you can add a `context_id` to these logs without modifying
//[main] INFO  LogzExample  - the result is 10!        // the `addTwoNumbers` function by using `LoggerCtxProvided`
//[main] INFO  LogzExample {context_id=e7ebce44-b7b0-4993-acdc-530d9e3d2bcc} - I got the result 10!


LoggerCtxProvided makes your life easier

import logz.instances.slf4j.SLF4JLoggerMarkerContext
import logz.syntax.context._

val slf4jLogger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("LogzExample")
val loggerContext: LoggerContext[IO] = SLF4JLoggerMarkerContext[IO](slf4jLogger)
implicit val loggerCtxProvided: LoggerCtxProvided[IO] = Context().toLoggerCtxProvided(loggerContext)

for {
  result <- addTwoNumbers(4, 6)
  _      <-[IO](s"I got the result $result!") // yep, no need to pass `context1`
  _      <- LoggerCtxProvided.debug[IO](s"We got a context_id for free!")
} yield result

//[main] DEBUG LogzExample {context_id=a5a741a8-a0b6-4406-82f4-4cef0d883a8e} - I'm adding 4 plus 6
//[main] INFO  LogzExample {context_id=a5a741a8-a0b6-4406-82f4-4cef0d883a8e} - the result is 10!
//[main] INFO  LogzExample {context_id=a5a741a8-a0b6-4406-82f4-4cef0d883a8e} - I got the result 10!
//[main] DEBUG  LogzExample {context_id=a5a741a8-a0b6-4406-82f4-4cef0d883a8e} - We got a context_id for free

LoggerCtxProvidedBuffer takes care of your disk space and your time looking for errors by writing the complete log's history only when a Warning or an Error is being logged

import logz.instances.slf4j.SLF4JLoggerMarkerContext
import logz.syntax.context._

val slf4jLogger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("LogzExample")
val loggerContext: LoggerContext[IO] = SLF4JLoggerMarkerContext[IO](slf4jLogger)

Context().toLoggerCtxProvidedBuffer[IO, Int](loggerContext)(implicit logger =>
  for {
    result <- addTwoNumbers(4, 6)
    _ <-[IO](s"I got the result $result!")
    _ <- LoggerCtxProvidedBuffer.debugB[IO](s"This will only be written if there is a Warning or an Error log")
    _ <- LoggerCtxProvidedBuffer.warnB[IO](s"I will write the previous logs")
    _ <- LoggerCtxProvidedBuffer.infoB[IO](s"I won't show up, you don't need me")
  } yield result

//[main] DEBUG LogzExample {context_id=95000a64-2d7b-4152-b1b6-869cef907eda} - I'm adding 4 plus 6
//[main] INFO  LogzExample {context_id=95000a64-2d7b-4152-b1b6-869cef907eda} - the result is 10!
//[main] INFO  LogzExample {context_id=95000a64-2d7b-4152-b1b6-869cef907eda} - I got the result 10!
//[main] DEBUG LogzExample {context_id=95000a64-2d7b-4152-b1b6-869cef907eda} - This will only be written if there is a Warning or an Error log
//[main] WARN  LogzExample {context_id=95000a64-2d7b-4152-b1b6-869cef907eda} - I will write the previous log


Provides your tests with an in memory logger

import logz.instances.TestLogger
import logz.instances.TestLoggerContext

// Example
val slf4j: org.slf4j.Logger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger("TestSLF4JLoggerMarkerContextSpec").pure[IO]
implicit val logger: LoggerContext[IO] = SLF4JLoggerMarkerContext[IO](slf4j)