The Scala client for HashiCorp's Vault.
Currently supported endpoints:
- Auth Methods:
- AppRole
- Token
- Secret Engines:
- Consul
- Databases
- Elasticsearch
- MongoDB
- Identity
- KeyValue versions 1 and 2
- Sys:
- Auth mounts
- Generate Root
- Health
- Init
- Keys (rotate and key status)
- Leader (status and step down)
- Leases
- Mounts
- Plugin Catalog
- Policy
- Rekey
- Seal (status, seal, and unseal)
Add the following dependency to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "pt.tecnico.dsi" %% "scala-vault" % "0.0.0"
We use semantic versioning.
- Launch the vault docker with the following command
docker run --cap-add IPC_LOCK -d --name=dev-vault -p 8200:8200 vault
. - Ensure your PGP key is added to your agent.
- Create the file
credentials += Credentials(
"Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
"<your sonatype username>",
"<your sonatype password>"
- Run
sbt release
scala-vault is open source and available under the MIT license.