indoorvivants / sbt-bspquery   0.0.1


BSP Query - limit the projects imported in Metals

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x

BSP Query - limit the projects imported in Metals

BSP | Metals | SBT | sbt-projectmatrix

This project attempts to solve an existing problem in large SBT projects that use sbt-projectmatrix - large matrices of platforms and scala versions can make Metals barely usable, because a single file is used for compiling multiple projects.

The way we can work around this issue is by filtering down the set of projects that Metals will consider, by setting bspEnabled := false on projects we don't want to import.

This SBT plugin simplifies this procedure by using a very basic query syntax (platform=jvm && scalaBinary=2.13) which you can put in a .bspquery file in the root of your projects to only import JVM projects using Scala 2.13


The SBT plugin only works on projects using sbt-projectmatrix.

add to your project/plugins.sbt (find version from badge above):

addSbtPlugin("com.indoorvivants" % "sbt-bspquery" % "<VERSION>")

create your query file to test:


platform=jvm && scalaBinary=2.13


The plugin automatically detects a .bspquery file at the root folder. Otherwise, you can use bspQuery := "..." setting to change the query.