ikuo / garapon4s   0.3.1


A client library of GaraponTV API for scala.

Scala versions: 2.10

Garapon4S Build Status

A client library of Garapon TV API for scala. Designed for Android App (but independent of Android SDK). Garapon TV API Version 3 is supported.


Setup dependencies in sbt:

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Sonatype Releases" at "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases",
  "Big Bee Consultants" at "http://repo.bigbeeconsultants.co.uk/repo"

libraryDependencies += "com.github.ikuo" % "garapon4s_2.10" % "0.2.3"

Code example:

import com.github.ikuo.garapon4s._

val client = new TVClient("my_developer_id")
val session = client.newSession("my_user_name", "my_md5password")

// 1) Print session ID
println("sessionID = " + session.gtvsession)

// 2) Search programs by keyword
val results = session.search(key = "News")
println("search hit = " + results.hit)

// 3) Get web viewer URL for the first program in the search result
val p1 = results.programs(0).gtvId
  // => http://192.168.1.xx:80/main.garapon#/viewer/player.garapon?gtvid=1SJP7FE61399078800

See also main() method in Garapon4S.scala

Using in Android App

This section describes a) manual setup of proguard and android manifest, and b) generating a project by a giter8 template.

See also Garaponoid that use Garapon4S in Android.

a) Set up manually

Keep Jackson related classes and methods in proguard settings:

-keep class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.** { *; }
-keepattributes *Annotation*,EnclosingMethod
-keep public class com.github.ikuo.garapon4s.model.** {
  public void set*(***);
  public *** get*();

Add the following uses-permissions in AndroidManifest.xml:

<manifest ...>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

b) Set up using project template

The following descriptions are tested under sbt android-plugin based environment.

Install giter8 and generate a project using the template of garapo4s_client as follows:

$ g8 ikuo/android-app -b garapon4s_client
Template applied in ./garaponapp1

And replace place holder of user name, MD5 password, and developer ID as follows:

$ cd ./garaponapp1
$ vi src/main/scala/MainActivity.scala
# Edit my_user_name, my_md5password, my_developer_id in the source file.

Then build and start the app in sbt:

$ sbt
> package
> start


Running Specs

$ sbt
> test

Running Specs with HTTP Requests

Copy garapon4s.properties.sample to garapon4s.properties, and edit entries to match your environments.

Use md5sum command to make value of default.md5password property:

echo -n "your-password" | md5sum
$ sbt
> run

It will show a gtvsession ID received from your Garapon TV device.

See also src/main/scala/Garapon4S.scala.

Generating Scaladoc

$ sbt
> doc
[info] Generating Scala API documentation for main sources to .../target/scala-2.10/api...


Generate a GPG key or import existing key as follows:

$ gpg --list-keys
$ gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import <GPG-key-file>
$ sbt
> publish-local

To publish to maven central, put credential to ~/.sbt/sonatype.sbt as described here. Then run publish-signed task on sbt.


Apache License 2.0


Garapon4S is using the following works: