iftechio / sbt-s3   1.0.2

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

sbt-s3 is a simple sbt plugin to manipulate objects on Amazon S3

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x



sbt-s3 is a simple sbt plugin that can manipulate objects on Amazon S3.


  • add to your project/plugin.sbt: resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("public") addSbtPlugin("io.iftech" % "sbt-s3" % "1.0.0")
  • then add to your build.sbt the line: enablePlugins(S3Plugin)

You will then be able to use the tasks s3-upload, s3-download, s3-delete, and s3-generate-links, defined in the object io.iftech.S3Keys as s3Upload, s3Download, s3Delete, and s3GenerateLinks respectively. All these operations will use HTTPS as a transport protocol.

Please check the Scaladoc API of the S3Plugin object, and the S3Keys object, to get additional documentation on the available sbt tasks, and their parameters.

Example 1

Here is a complete example:


resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("public")

addSbtPlugin("io.iftech" % "sbt-s3" % "1.0.0")



mappings in s3Upload := Seq((new java.io.File("a"),"zipa.txt"),(new java.io.File("b"),"pongo/zipb.jar"))

s3Bucket in s3Upload := "s3sbt-test"

s3Region in s3Upload := "cn-northwest-1"

Just create two sample files called "a" and "b" in the same directory that contains build.sbt, then try:

$ sbt s3Upload

You can also see progress while uploading:

$ sbt
> set s3Progress in s3Upload := true
> s3Upload
[==================================================]   100%   zipa.txt
[=====================================>            ]    74%   zipb.jar

Unless explicitly provided as described above, credentials will be obtained via (in order):

  1. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables
  2. aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey Java system properties
  3. Default aws cli credentials file (~/.aws/credentials)
  4. IAM instance profile if running under EC2.

Example 2

As well as simply uploading a file to s3, you can also set some s3 ObjectMetadata. For example, you may want to gzip a CSS file for quicker download but still have its content type as css, In which case you need to set the Content-Type and Content-Encoding, a small change to build.sbt is all that is needed.



mappings in s3Upload := Seq((target.value / "web" / "stage" / "css" / "style-group2.css.gz" ,"css/style-group2.css"))

def md = {
  import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.ObjectMetadata
  var omd = new ObjectMetadata()

s3Metadata in s3Upload := Map("css/style-group2.css" -> md)

s3Bucket in s3Upload := "s3sbt-test"

s3Region in s3Upload := "cn-northwest-1"


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Publishing a New Release

Change the version to the next non-snapshot version by modifying the version var on build.sbt.

Then, publish a signed artifact to Sonatype

sbt publishSigned

Once that succeeds, perform a sonatype release:

sbt sonatypeRelease

Update the version to the next snapshot and commit.