This is a ready to use expression parser and evaluator for Scala powered by parboiled2
val result = HEval("4*5+3*2").toInt
// result = 26
It's possible to provide a context with variables to the parser:
val context = Obj.from("user" -> Obj.from("count" -> 10))
val result = HEval("4*user.count+1*2", context).toInt
// result = 42
You also can add your own functions into the context:
val context = new ValueContext(Obj.empty) {
override def function: PartialFunction[(Identifier, Seq[Value]), Value] = {
case (Identifier(Seq("pow")), args) => args.head.toBigDecimal.pow(args.tail.head.toInt)
val result = HEval("pow(2,8)", context).toInt
// result = 256
- HParser function
+, -, *, /
- arithmetical operations
!, =, !=, and, or, xor
- boolean operations
- remainder (modulus) operation
>, <, >=, <=
- comparison operations
- evaluate value of 'someField' of 'someObject'
has, has not
- tests if collection has (or has not) specified element
like, not like
- tests if value matches regexp
- adds one collection to another
- computes difference between two collections
- takes two arguments: index and collection. Returns value placed in collection with specified index
- tests whether value is empty
- tests whether value is present in context
- returns length of collection or string. Boolean argument is a special case: function returns '1' in case of 'true' and '0' in case of 'false'
upper, lower
- returns string in upper or lower case
- takes two arguments: string and separator and returns collection made by splitting of incoming string by specified separator
- takes two arguments: string and substring. Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring
- takes 2 or 3 arguments: string, beginIndex[, endIndex] - returns substring of string
- compares two strings ignoring their case
- Values of fields of some object should be dot-separated:
- Strings can be written with quotes of apostrophes (later ignores escapes):
'someString\nabcde' // escaping ignored
"someString\nSecondLine" // newline inserted
- Numbers should be written as is, without any additional symbols
user.isDefined = true
user.isDefined != true
user.roles has "qa"
user.roles has not "admin"
(user.isDefined = true) and (user.roles has "qa")
(user.isDefined) and (user.roles has "qa"))
(!user.isDefined) or (user.roles has "admin")
libraryDependencies += "com.hypertino" %% "expression-parser" % "0.3.0"
Releases published to Maven Central for Scala 2.11 - 2.13 JVM & JS (user %%%
for Scala.js enabled projects)
Snapshots live in Sonatype repository, include it additionally:
resolvers ++= Seq(
library is available under the BSD 3-Clause License