hmrc / tai   0.18.0-2-g1aa365d

Apache License 2.0 GitHub
Scala versions: 2.11

Tax Account for Individuals(TAI)

Allows users to view and edit their paye tax information


This service is written in Scala 2.13 and Play 3.0, so needs at least a JRE 21 to run.


Task Supported Methods Description
/tai/:nino/person GET The end point retrieves designatory details for the given nino.
/tai/:nino/employments/years/:year GET The end point retrieves all employments for a given year with Annual Account information More...
/tai/:nino/employments/years/:year/update POST The end point updates the incorrect employment details More...
/tai/:nino/employments/:id GET The end point retrieves employments by provided id More...
/tai/:nino/employments POST The end point adds a new employment More...
/tai/:nino/employments/:id/end-date PUT The end point allows the consumer to update the end date for the employment More...
/tai/:nino/employments/:id/reason POST The end point updates the incorrect employment details for current year More...
/tai/:nino/pensionProvider POST The end point adds a new pension provider for the user More...
/tai/:nino/pensionProvider/:id/reason POST The end point updates the incorrect pension details for the current year More...
/tai/:nino/employment-only/:id/years/:year GET Retrieves employment details for a specific ID and year.
/tai/:nino/employments-only/years/:year GET Retrieves all employment records for a given year.
/tai/:nino/rti-payments/years/:year GET Retrieves Real-Time Information (RTI) payments for a given year.
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/benefits GET The end point provides fetches the benefits for the provided nino and tax year More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/tax-components/benefits/company-cars GET The end point fetches all the company car benefits for nino More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/tax-component/employments/:employmentId/benefits/ended-benefit POST The end point would submit a request to remove a company benefit More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/income/tax-code-incomes GET The end point fetches tax code incomes for a given nino and given year More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/income GET The end point fetches incomes for a given nino and a given year More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/snapshots/:snapshotId/incomes/tax-code-incomes/:employmentId/estimated-pay PUT The end point updates the estimated pay More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/year/:year/income/:incomeType/status/:status GET The end point matches tax code incomes to employments More...
/tai/:nino/employments/year/:year/status/ceased GET The end point returns ceased non-matching employments More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/expenses/employee-expenses/:iabd GET The end point returns IABD data based on IABD type for a tax year More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/expenses/employee-expenses/:iabd POST The end point updates IABD data based on IABD type for a tax year More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/expenses/working-from-home-employee-expenses/:iabd POST The end point updates working from home employee expenses data based on IABD type for a tax year More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/tax-components GET The end point provides a list of coding components More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/summary GET The end point fetches annual tax account summary More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/total-tax GET The end point fetches the total tax values for annual tax account More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/tax-code-change/exists GET The end point returns a boolean which indicates if there has been a tax code change in the tax year More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/tax-code-change GET The end point returns details of the current and previous operated tax codes for a given nino More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/tax-free-amount-comparison GET The end point returns the current and previous IABD information relating to Income Sources and Total Liabilities for a given nino More...
/tai/:nino/tax-account/tax-code-mismatch GET The end point returns mismatch flag and list of confirmed and unconfirmed tax codes
/tai/:nino/tax-account/:year/tax-code/latest GET The end point returns most recent tax codes for the given nino and tax year
/tai/session-cache DELETE The end point will invalidate the cache.


All the microservices used by TAI require host and port settings, for example:

Key Description The host of the NPS service The port of the NPS service The path of the NPS service

Only the nps and hip microservices require a path.

How to test the project

Unit Tests

  • Unit test the entire test suite: sbt test

  • Unit test a single spec file: sbt "test:testOnly *fileName" (for e.g : sbt "test:testOnly *IncomeControllerSpec")

Integration tests

  • sbt it/test

Acceptance tests

To verify the acceptance tests locally, follow the steps:

  • start the sm2 container for TAI profile: sm2 --start TAI_ALL
  • stop TAI process running in sm2: sm2 --stop TAI
  • launch tai in terminal and execute the following command in the TAI project directory:
    sbt "run -Dapplication.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes"
  • open tai-acceptance-test-suite repository in the terminal and execute the script: ./