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Retrieve tracking data based on the supplied tax identifier.


The following services are exposed from the micro-service.


Task Supported Methods Description
/tracking/:id/:idType GET Retrieve the tracking data for the 'id' and 'idType'. The Id is the tax identifier and the 'idType' is the type of tax identifier. More...


All the above endpoints are accessible on sandbox with /sandbox prefix on each endpoint,e.g.

    GET /sandbox/tracking/:id/:idType

To trigger the sandbox endpoints locally, use the "X-MOBILE-USER-ID" header with one of the following values: 208606423740 or 167927702220

To test different scenarios, add a header "SANDBOX-CONTROL" with one of the following values:

Value Description
"NO-FORMS" Happy path with no form data
"ERROR-401" Unhappy path, trigger a 401 Unauthorized response
"ERROR-403" Unhappy path, trigger a 403 Forbidden response
"ERROR-500" Unhappy path, trigger a 500 Internal Server Error response
Not set or any other value Happy path, receive tracking data


API definition for the service will be available under /api/definition endpoint. See definition in /conf/api-definition.json for the format.


Version of API need to be provided in Accept request header

Accept: application/vnd.hmrc.v1.0+json


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.