This library is no longer maintained. Please migrate to play-allowlist-filter
NOTE v2 onwards is compatable with Play 2.5
This library includes a Filter
for the Play! framework which can be used to block users whose IP addresses are not on a predetermined whitelist.
Currently the only implementation of whitelisting available uses the IP from the True-Client-IP
header provided by Akamai.
- Import the library:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("hmrc", "releases")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"" %% "play-whitelist-filter" % "3.3.0"
- Implement the filter trait, for example:
object WhitelistFilter extends AkamaiWhitelistFilter {
override val whitelist: Seq[String] = Seq("")
override val destination: Call = Call("GET", "")
- Add the filter to your
's list of filters, for example:
object MyGlobal extends WithFilters(WhitelistFilter)
- Done
Bear in mind that as this uses the Akamai True-Client-IP
header, you may wish to exclude the filter from pre-live environments. There are various ways to do this such as only including the filter based on some config field:
object TestGlobal extends GlobalSettings {
val myFilters: Seq[Filter] = {
Seq(SomeFilter, AnotherFilter) ++
Play.configuration.getBoolean("shouldWhitelist").map {
_ => Seq(WhitelistFilter)
override def doFilter(next: EssentialAction): EssentialAction = {
Filters(super.doFilter(next), myFilters: _*)
You may also wish to exlude certain paths in your application from being filtered such as healthcheck routes. This can be done by implementing the excludedPaths: Seq[Call]
field in the filter:
object WhitelistFilter extends AkamaiWhitelistFilter {
override val whitelist: Seq[String] = Seq("")
override val destination: Call = Call("GET", "")
override val excludedPaths: Seq[Call] = Seq(Call("GET", "/healthcheck"))