hmrc / play-partials   6.0.0-1-ge3eb2e2

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

A library used to retrieve HTML partials

Scala versions: 2.11


A library used to retrieve HTML partials to use when composing HTML Play frontend applications.

It supports caching the partials and substituting placeholders.

Adding to your service

Include the following dependency in your SBT build

resolvers += MavenRepository("HMRC-open-artefacts-maven2", "")

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-partials-play-xx" % "x.x.x"

Where play-xx is your version of Play (e.g. play-29).


This is the simplest way to use the library. It contains error handling and placeholder substitutions.

There are two implementations provided: CachedStaticHtmlPartialRetriever and FormPartialRetriever.

First implement PartialRetriever and override loadPartial:

object MyRetriever extends PartialRetriever {
  override def loadPartial(url: String): Future[HtmlPartial] =

Then you can request the Html with getPartialContentAsync. You can provide parameter subsitutions which replaces any placeholder with the form {{parameterKey}}.

// Returns a Future[Html] - you can pass the Html on to the view

// Returns a Future[Html] - you can pass the Html on to the view
// You can provide template parameters and HTML to be returned in the case of error
  url                = "http://my.partial",
  templateParameters = Map("NONCE_ATTR" -> CSPNonce.attr),
  errorMessage       = Html("Could not load partial")

If you want to do your own error handling, you can call getPartial which returns the HtmlPartial

Using cached static partials

If you need to use a static cached partial, use CachedStaticHtmlPartialRetriever. It will retrieve the partial from the given URL and cache it (the cache key is the partial URL) for the defined period of time. You can also pass through a map of parameters used to replace placeholders in the retrieved partial.

You can configure the following cache parameters in your application.conf:

  • play-partial.cache.refreshAfter
  • play-partial.cache.expireAfter
  • play-partial.cache.maxEntries


An instance is already provided for injection. It is used in the same way as PartialRetriever above. e.g.

class MyController @Inject()(cachedStaticHtmlPartialRetriever: CachedStaticHtmlPartialRetriever) {
  // Returns a Future[Html] - you can pass the Html on to the view

  // Returns a Future[Html] - you can pass the Html on to the view
  // You can provide template parameters and HTML to be returned in the case of error
    url                = "http://my.partial",
    templateParameters = Map("NONCE_ATTR", CSPNonce.attr),
    errorMessage       = Html("Could not load partial")

Using HTML Form partials

A special case of the static partials are HTML forms. By using FormPartialRetriever a csrfToken will be added in the request and any {{csrfToken}} placeholder will be replaced with the Play CSRF token value in the response.

Note, these are not cached.


class MyView @Inject()(formPartialRetriever: FormPartialRetriever) {

The HtmlPartial type

Use this type to read an HTTP response containing a partial, and safely handle the possible outcomes:

  • For success (2xx) status codes, an HtmlPartial.Success is returned, which contains the HTML body and optionally a hint on the title that should be used on the page.
  • For non-success (400 -> 599) status codes, an HtmlPartial.Failure is returned
  • A handler is also supplied which translates connection-related exceptions into an HtmlPartial.Failure


object Connector {
  def somePartial(): Future[HtmlPartial] =

// Elsewhere in your service:
Connector.somePartial().map(p =>
  Ok(views.html.my_view(partial = p.successfulContentOrElse(Html("Sorry, there's been a problem retrieving ..."))))

// or, if you just want to blank out a missing partial:
Connector.somePartial().map(p =>
  Ok(views.html.my_view(partial = p.successfulContentOrEmpty))

// or, if you want to have finer-grained control:
Connector.somePartial().map {
  case HtmlPartial.Success(Some(title), content) =>
    Ok(views.html.my_view(message = content, title = title))
  case HtmlPartial.Success(None, content)        =>
    Ok(views.html.my_view(message = content, title = "A fallback title"))
  case HtmlPartial.Failure                       =>
    Ok(views.html.my_view(message = Html("Sorry, there's been a technical problem retrieving your info"), title = "A fallback title"))

Forwarding Cookies

In order to include cookies in the partial request, the HeaderCarrier must be created from the request with HeaderCarrierForPartialsConverter.fromRequestWithEncryptedCookie rather than with HeaderCarrierConverter from http-verbs.


class MyView @Inject()(headerCarrierForPartialsConverter: HeaderCarrierForPartialsConverter) {
  def getPartial(request: RequestHeader) = {
    implicit val hc = headerCarrierForPartialsConverter.fromRequestWithEncryptedCookie(request)


Version 9.0.0

  • Built for Play 2.8 and 2.9.
  • There are specific artefacts for each version of play. The version does not include the play version any more.
  • com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine dependency has been updated to 3.x which means it only supports Java 11 or above.

Version 8.4.0

Fixes template replacements for templateParameters parameter passed to getPartial and getPartialContentAsync.

Version 8.3.0

Drops support for Play 2.6 and 2.7.

Built for Scala 2.12 and 2.13.

Version 8.0.0

Built for Play 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8.

  • Injectable instances for CachedStaticHtmlPartialRetriever, FormPartialRetriever and HeaderCarrierForPartialsConverter are provided. They should be used in preference to implementing the traits.
  • HeaderCarrierForPartialsConverter requires a ApplicationCrypto (amongst other dependencies) instead of an ambiguous def crypto: (String) => String function. Using the injectable instance of HeaderCarrierForPartialsConverter should suffice for most use-cases, and ensures that encryption is properly applied.
  • PartialRetriever.loadPartial and PartialRetriever.getPartial now return an asynchronous Future[HtmlPartial]
  • PartialRetriever.getPartialContent is deprecated, in preference to PartialRetriever.getPartialContentAsync, which returns Future[Html]

Deprecated removals:

  • The deprecated type CachedStaticHtmlPartial was removed - use CachedStaticHtmlPartialRetriever instead.
  • The deprecated type FormPartial was removed - use FormPartialRetriever instead.
  • The deprecated method PartialRetriever.get was removed, use PartialRetriever.getPartial or PartialRetriever.getPartialContent instead.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.