

An API designed for mobile device use which provides services pertaining to tax credits renewal.


The following services are exposed.

Please note it is mandatory to supply an Accept HTTP header to all below services with the value application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json.


Task Supported Methods Description
/declarations/:nino POST Post a renewal declaration to NTC for off-line processing. Note the header tcrAuthToken must be supplied. More...
/renewals/:nino GET Retrieve the declaration details associated with the nino. Note the header tcrAuthToken must be supplied. More...
/income/:nino/tax-credits/:renewalReference/auth GET Validate and retrieve the TCR auth-token assoicated with the NINO and renewal reference. More...
/income/:nino/tax-credits/claimant-details GET Retrieve the claiment-details associated with the nino. Note the header tcrAuthToken must be supplied. More...
/income/:nino/tax-credits/full-claimant-details GET Retrieve the full-claiment-details associated with the nino. Note the header tcrAuthToken must be supplied. More...
/income/:nino/tax-credits/renewal POST Post a renewal to the NTC micro-service for off-line processing. Note the header tcrAuthToken must be supplied. More...
/income/tax-credits/submission/state/enabled GET This endpoint retrieves the current state of tax credit submissions. More...


All the above endpoints are accessible on sandbox with /sandbox prefix on each endpoint, i.e:

    GET /declarations/:nino
    POST /renewals/:nino

To trigger the sandbox endpoints locally, use the "X-MOBILE-USER-ID" header with one of the following values: 208606423740 or 167927702220

To test different scenarios, add a header "SANDBOX-CONTROL" to specify the appropriate status code and return payload. See each linked file for details:

Task Supported Methods Description
/sandbox/declarations/:nino POST Acts as a stub for the related live endpoint. More...
/sandbox/renewals/:nino GET Acts as a stub for the related live endpoint. More...


Version of API need to be provided in Accept request header

Accept: application/vnd.hmrc.v1.0+json


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License