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File transmission user manual


  1. Introduction
  2. Typical use case
  3. Onboarding requirements
  4. Service usage a. Request file transmission b. Example file-transmission request c. Request outcome d. Allowlisting client services
  5. Running and maintenance of the service a. Run locally
  6. Appendix a. Related projects, useful links i. Testing ii. Slack b. License


Microservice that facilitates transmission of files requested by MDTP through MDG.

Services on the MDTP platform should use file-transmission to initiate the transmission of a batch of hosted files through MDG. file-transmission notifies MDG about files that the service on MDTP would like to be processed. Please note that file-transmission does not upload or transfer files directly. Instead, it provides data allowing MDG to identify the file and how it should be processed, along with where the file is hosted. File upload and hosting must be provided by another service, such as upscan.

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Typical use case

  • Consuming service requests upload of user file(s) using upscan
  • Upscan notifies the consuming service of successful file upload and the relevant URL where the file is hosted and can be downloaded
  • Consuming service verifies ensures that all required files have been correctly uploaded by the user
  • Consuming service can now use file-transmission to notify MDG that these files are ready to be processed
  • file-transmission later sends a callback to the consuming service with either confirmation that the request has been accepted by MDG or a relevant error
  • MDG proceeds to asynchronously process the file batch as appropriate

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Onboarding requirements

To use file-transmission, the consuming service must let PlatOps know :

  • the User-Agent request header of the service so that it can be allowlisted

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Service usage

Request file transmission

The basic unit of work for file-transmission is data pertaining to a batch consisting of one or more files.

Information about each file in the batch is passed to file-transmission in separate POST requests. Additional calls to create a batch or to notify that information about all files in the batch has been provided are not necessary.

Transmission requests are processed asynchronously, and after each request has been sent, the consuming service receives the callback with sending status.

Allowlisted consuming services first make a POST request to the /file-transmission/request endpoint. The request should provide data about the batch, each file in the batch, and a callback URL that will be used to asynchronously notify the consuming service when MDG has processed the request. The consuming service may also provide additional optional metadata that it wants to pass through to MDG.

The body of a request for transmission of a file in a batch would typically comprise the below:

  • callbackUrl - URL provided by the consuming service, that is used by file-transmission to notify whether the request was accepted by MDG. Please be aware that this should be an HTTPS endpoint.
  • deliveryWindowDurationInSeconds - duration during which file-transmission will try to deliver file details to MDG before giving up (this field is optional)
  • Batch information
    • batchId - unique batch identifier
    • fileCount - number of files in the batch
  • File information
    • reference - unique reference of the file (MDG will interpret this as the correlationId)
    • fileName - original name of the file
    • fileSize - size of uploaded file
    • mimeType - MIME type of the file
    • checksum - SHA256 checksum of the file in hexadecimal format
    • location - URL where file is hosted. This URL should be accessible by MDG, e.g. verify networking configuration and use external domain names. URLs provided by upscan will already meet this requirement.
    • sequenceNumber - relative number of the file within the batch [the first file in the batch should have sequenceNumber '1']
    • uploadTimestamp - the time the file was uploaded in ISO format
  • Journey information
    • interfaceName - type of interface for MDG to use, specifying what process should be invoked on the file batch
    • interfaceVersion - the specific version of the named interface to use
  • Additional properties - optional key/value map of custom properties to pass through MDG about the file and/or batch

The request HTTP headers should follow the below format:

Header name Description Required
User-Agent Identifier of the service that calls file-transmission yes
X-Request-ID Identifier of the user's request no
X-Session-ID Identifier of the user's session no

Request-ID / Session-ID headers will be used to link the file with a relevant user's journey.

Note: If you are using [http-verbs]( to call the service, all the headers will be set automatically (See: HttpVerb.scala)

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Example file-transmission request

Here is an example of a request body for file-transmission:

	"batch": {
		"id": "fghij67890",
		"fileCount": 10
	"callbackUrl": "https://file-transmission-callback-listener.public.mdtp/file-transmission-callback-listener/listen",
	"deliveryWindowDurationInSeconds": 300,
	"file": {				
		"reference": "abcde12345",
		"name": "someFileN.ame",
		"mimeType": "application/pdf",
		"checksum": "asdrfgvbhujk13579",
		"location": "",	
		"sequenceNumber": 3,
		"size": 1024,
		"uploadTimeStamp": "2001-12-17T09:30:47Z"
		"name": "interfaceName name",
		"version": "1.0"
			"name": "property1",
			"value": "value1"
			"name": "property2",
			"value": "value2"

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Request outcome

A successful POST request will receive a ‘202 ACCEPTED’ result.

An unsuccessful POST request will receive a HTTP-error coded response (4xx, 5xx). The response body will contain XML encoded details of the problem. See the Error Handling section for details.

Please note that a successful response only means that the request has been parsed and stored for further processing. As MDG processing is performed asynchronously, the consuming service should wait until a callback is made from MDG before marking the batch as processed successfully.*

After the request has been successfully passed to MDG, the consuming service retrieves callback to the URL specified in the request. The callback has the following format:


In case passing the request to MDG failed, the consuming service retrieves callback in the following format:

      "errorDetails": "text field from MDG"

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If file-transmission fails to deliver the message to MDG it will make several attempts to redeliver it after delay. If it fails to deliver it within certain delivery window, failure notification callback will be sent to consuming service.

Default length of delivery window is set in the application configuration (deliveryWindowDuration parameter). It can be customized per request by setting deliveryWindowDurationInSeconds parameter within the request body.

Initial retry delay is defined by initialBackoffAfterFailure property set in the service configuration. After every failed attempt, this delay is increased.

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Allowlisting client services

Any service using file-transmission must be allowlisted. Please contact PlatOps if you would like to use this service. Consuming services must identify themselves in requests via the User-Agent header. If the supplied value is not in file-transmission's list of allowed services then the /file-transmission/request call will fail with a 403 error.

In addition to returning the 403 error, file-transmission will log details of the Forbidden request. For example:

    "message":"Invalid User-Agent: [Some(my-unknown-service-name)].",

Note: If you are using [http-verbs]( to call file-transmission, then the User-Agent header will be set automatically. (See: HttpVerb.scala)

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Running and maintenance of the service

Run locally

Option #1: start all file-transmission dependencies using service-manager

  • Execute the below command to start file-transmission and its relevant dependencies with required configuration:
    sm -r --start FILE_TRANSMISSION_ALL

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Option #2: start file-transmission dependencies individually using service-manager

  • Execute the below commands to start file-transmission dependencies individually with required configuration:

    sm -r --start FILE_TRANSMISSION
    sm -r --start MDG_STUB

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Option #3: start each file-transmission dependency individually with sbt and relevant local code

  • In the file-transmission repository, execute the below to start the application with required configuration:
    sbt "run 9575 -DcallbackValidation.allowedProtocols="http,https" -DmdgEndpoint="http://localhost:9576/mdg-stub/request" -DuserAgentFilter.allowedUserAgents="file-transmission-acceptance-tests""
  • In the mdg-stub repository, execute the below to start the application:
    sbt "run 9576"

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Related projects, useful links:

  • upscan - service that manages the process of uploading files to MDTP by end users

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This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License

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