
This library is deprecated now. Please use bootstrap-play


This library implements basic functionality required by the platform frontend/microservices.

Adding to your build

In your SBT build add:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("hmrc", "releases")

libraryDependencies += "" %% "bootstrap-play-25" % "x.x.x"

Configure as a frontend microservice

In your application.conf file, add:

# An ApplicationLoader that uses Guice to bootstrap the application.
play.application.loader = ""

# Primary entry point for all HTTP requests on Play applications
play.http.requestHandler = ""

# Provides an implementation of AuditConnector. Use `` or create your own.
# An audit connector must be provided.
play.modules.enabled += ""

# Provides an implementation of MetricsFilter. Use `` or create your own.
# A metric filter must be provided
play.modules.enabled += ""

# Provides an implementation and configures all filters required by a Platform frontend microservice.
play.modules.enabled += ""
play.http.filters = ""

And in your SBT build add:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-ui" % "x.x.x"
libraryDependencies += "" %% "govuk-template" % "x.x.x"

Configure as a backend microservice

In your application.conf file, add:

# An ApplicationLoader that uses Guice to bootstrap the application.
play.application.loader = ""

# Primary entry point for all HTTP requests on Play applications
play.http.requestHandler = ""

# Provides an implementation of AuditConnector. Use `` or create your own.
# An audit connector must be provided.
play.modules.enabled += ""

# Provides an implementation of MetricsFilter. Use `` or create your own.
# A metric filter must be provided
play.modules.enabled += ""

# Provides an implementation and configures all filters required by a Platform frontend microservice.
play.modules.enabled += ""
play.http.filters = ""

Default HTTP client

A default http client with pre-configured auditing hook can be injected into any connector. The http client uses http-verbs For more http-verbs examples see

Make sure you have the following modules in your application.conf file:

play.modules.enabled += ""
play.modules.enabled += ""
import javax.inject.Inject

class SomeConnector @Inject() (client: HttpClient) {

User Authorisation

The library supports user authorisation on microservices

Make sure you have the following modules in your application.conf file:

play.modules.enabled += ""
play.modules.enabled += ""
play.modules.enabled += ""

Your controller will look like this:

class MyController @Inject() (val authConnector: AuthConnector) extends BaseController with AuthorisedFunctions {
   def getSomething(): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request 
       authorised() {
         // your protected logic


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.