This is a frontend microservice for Agent EPAYE Registration, part of interim replacement of OPRA (On-Line Pre-Registration of Agents).
The OPRA system provides a way for PAYE agents (not otherwise known to PAYE systems and therefore without known facts) to obtain a reference number that can be used as a known fact to enable them to register and enrol as a PAYE agent.
- Agent who needs an Agent PAYE reference code is able to enter its details and can be issued a code
sbt test it/test
sbt clean coverage test coverageReport
Start service dependencies with:
And then run the service with:
sbt -Dplay.http.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes run
It should then be listening on port 9446
browse http://localhost:9446/agent-epaye-registration
sm2 --stop AGENT_EPAYE_REG
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License