henix / scetty   0.3


Scala async http client based on jetty-client

Scala versions: 2.12

Scetty: Scala async http client based on jetty-client


"info.henix" %% "scetty" % "0.3"

DO NOT USE: v0.2.2



import henix.scetty.Scetty._
import henix.scetty.{FormBody, Url}

Create a ScettyClient

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val jettyClient = ... // Create your jetty client object here.

val scettyClient = new ScettyClient(jettyClient, 15.seconds) // This object can be safely shared between multiple threads.

// Don't forget to call jettyClient.stop() when your app exits.

Simple GET


GET with URL parameters

val url = Url("http://www.example.com/", List("q" -> "1")) // http://www.example.com/?q=1


Url will encode url query parameters in the right way.

GET with headers

  headers = List("X-Requested-With" -> "XMLHttpRequest")

POST with form

And encoded in charset other than UTF-8

val req = Post(
  headers = List("Referer" -> "https://github.com/"),
  body = FormBody(
    params = List(
	  "q" -> "1"
    charset = Charset.forName("GBK")


Read response as a String

send will return a Future[ContentResponse]. See jetty-client's document for what can you do with ContentResponse.

If you want to get a Future[String]:

def mustOk(resp: ContentResponse): ContentResponse = {
  val status = resp.getStatus
  if (status == 200)
    throw new UpstreamHttpException(resp.getRequest.getURI.toString, status, resp.getHeaders.iterator().asScala.map(f => f.getName -> f.getValue).toList)

def sendAsString(req: HttpReq, followRedirects: Option[Boolean] = None): Future[String] = send(req, followRedirects).map(mustOk).map(_.getContentAsString)

Cache all GET requests

Scetty doesn't have caching functionality because I think it's better to keep it focus on only one task.

You can write a simple wrapper if you want to cache. An example using Guava's CacheBuilder:

import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder
import henix.scetty.HttpReq

val cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build[HttpReq, ContentResponse]()

def send(req: HttpReq, followRedirects: Option[Boolean] = None): Future[ContentResponse] = {
  val cached = cache.getIfPresent(req)
  if (cached ne null) {
    logger.info("cache.hit: {}", req.url)
  } else {
    val f = scettyClient.send(req, followRedirects)
    if (req.method == HttpMethod.GET) {
      f.onSuccess { case r => cache.put(req, r) }

HttpReq is a case class, it can be used as a Map's key.


  • Allow charset other than UTF-8 to be used in url / post form
  • Async support with scala.concurrent.Future
  • Represent HTTP request as a case class HttpReq
