guizmaii-opensource / sbt-publish-with-headers   1.0.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

SBT plugin to add http headers when publishing Maven artifacts

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0

Publish libraries and fetch dependencies from Maven repositories requiring custom headers

This is not a fork

This project is a fork of

Why forking?

  1. The initial plugin doesn't seem to be published to Maven Central
  2. We brought fixes, improvements and changed how the plugin works.


This plugin allows you to publish artifacts to a Maven repository with custom HTTP headers.
It also automatically configure your sbt project so that it can fetch dependencies from a Maven repository with custom HTTP headers.


Enable the plugin in your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.guizmaii" % "sbt-publish-with-headers" % "1.0.0")


Configure the plugin in your build.sbt file:

publishToWithHeaders := Some("my-repo-requiring-custom-headers" at "https://maven-repo-host/path")
headersToPublishWith := Seq("header-key" -> "header-value", "header-key-2" -> "header-value-2")


To publish to a Maven repository with http headers run:

sbt publishWithHeaders

Fetching dependencies from your Maven repository with custom HTTP headers

There's nothing for you to do.
The plugin will automatically configure your sbt project so that it can fetch dependencies from your Maven repository requiring custom HTTP headers.