guizmaii-opensource / sbt-datadog   7.1.3

MIT License GitHub

Add the Datadog Java APM agent to your sbt project

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x


This project provides three things:

  1. sbt-datadog, an sbt plugin to easily add the Datadog APM to your project
  2. zio-opentelemetry-datadog-tracing-provider, a library to help you easily configure zio-opentelemetry to send traces to Datadog via the Datadog APM you configured with the sbt-datadog plugin
  3. An example ZIO app to show how to use the and the zio-opentelemetry-datadog-tracing-provider library

sbt-datadog plugin documentation

The sbt-datadog documentation is available here

zio-opentelemetry-datadog-tracing-provider library documentation

The zio-opentelemetry-datadog-tracing-provider documentation is available here

Example project

The example ZIO app can be found in the example/my-traced-zio-project-example directory