guardian / story-packages-presentation   0.0.1


Presentation logic for story packages

Scala versions: 2.11


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Takes care of the transformation logic to convert from a story package as returned by CAPI into something that can easily be rendered in frontend/MAPI.

How to use

Add a resolver to the Bintray Maven repo:

resolvers += "Story packages" at ""

and add a dependency:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "story-packages-presentation" % "<version>"

See the Bintray badge above for the latest published version.

How to release a new version

  1. Make sure you have a Bintray account, it's been added to the Guardian org, and it has permission to publish artifacts to the story-packages Maven repo.

  2. Run sbt bintrayChangeCredentials and fill in your username and API key. They will be stored in a file in your ~/.sbt folder.

  3. Run sbt release. This will bump the version number, publish to Bintray and push the changes to GitHub.