Like Scanamo for interacting with DynamoDB and use Scrooge for working with Thrift? Then you'll love ScanamoScrooge!
ScanamoScrooge provides automatic derivation of DynamoFormat
type classes for Scrooge generated classes based on Thrift struct
and enum
Add scanamo-scrooge as a dependency to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org" %% "scanamo-scrooge" % "0.1.3"
To bring DynamoFormat
s for Scrooge generated classes into scope, simply
import org.scanamo.scrooge.ScroogeDynamoFormat._
While, there is normally no need to explicitly reference DynamoFormat
, the following
is an example of how it serialises classes based on the ChangeRecord
thrift definition.
scala> import org.scanamo._
scala> import org.scanamo.scrooge.ScroogeDynamoFormat._
scala> import
scala> import cats.syntax.either._
scala> val changeRecord = ChangeRecord(1L, Some(User("email", Some("f"), None)))
scala> DynamoFormat[ChangeRecord].write(changeRecord)
res0: = {M: {date={N: 1,}, user={M: {email={S: email,}, firstName={S: f,}, lastName={NULL: true,}},}},}
scala> DynamoFormat[ChangeRecord].read(DynamoFormat[ChangeRecord].write(changeRecord))
res1: Either[error.DynamoReadError, ChangeRecord] = Right(ChangeRecord(1,Some(User(email,Some(f),None))))