trait Interface[Out] {
def apply(operation: String, tags: Tag*): Out
def apply(activate: Boolean, operation: String, tags: Tag*): Out
def apply(parent: Span, operation: String, tags: Tag*): Out
def apply(parent: Span, activate: Boolean, operation: String, tags: Tag*): Out
def apply(parent: Option[Span], activate: Boolean, operation: String, tags: Map[String, TagValue]): Out
def map[R](f: Out => R): Interface[R]
Tracing[F0[_], F1[_]]
defines instruments for building Interface[F1[A]]
from F0[A]
There is auto derivation of Tracing
instances for types that are both cats.Defer
and cats.MonadError
like EitherT[Eval, Throwable, ?]
or IO
activates given span arround execution F
/** Run `F ~> F` activating given span. */
trait Activating[F[_]] {
def apply(
span: Span,
onClose: Either[Throwable, Any] => Span => Unit = _ => _ => {}
): F ~> F
There is auto derivation of Activating
instances for types that are both cats.Defer
and cats.MonadError
like EitherT[Eval, Throwable, ?]
or IO
provides interfaces built from Tracing[Later, Eval]
will execute inmediately while trace.later
would wrap traced code in cats.Eval
."op", "tag" -> "?") {
// do something
Is provided for input F0[A]
by an implicit class if there is non-ambiguous Tracing[F0[A], ?]
IO {
def activate[R](span: Span)(r: => R)(implicit tracer: Tracer): R
Defined in package object com.gihub.fehu.opentracing
, activate
registers given span with Tracer
's scope manager
before execution and closes the scope in the end.
Implicit syntax for types with instances of Activating
IO {
Implicit com.github.fehu.opentracing.SpanOps
defines more logging syntax for Span
The actor stores and processes scopes received inside TracedMessage
. The received span can be accessed
with actorSpan()
method (thread usnafe).
The actor activates and closes a scope around itsreceive
on receival ofTracedMessage
The actor creates a child span on receival ofTracedMessage
The actor creates a child span, activates and finishes it around itsreceive
on receival ofTracedMessage
The actor creates a child span for any message, with no parent if the message didn't contain one.
Package com.github.fehu.opentracing.akka
provides syntax for tracing messages sent to actors.
ask(actor, "Hello!")
.tracing("Introducing", tags =
An re-implementation of akka's LoggingAdapter
(uses abstract override
) that sends log enties both to original
adapter and currently active span.
Compiler plugin that traces implicit searches performed by scalac and reports them to local jaegertracing backend.
- Put to your
addCompilerPlugin("com.github.fehu" %% "opentracing-jaeger-scalac-implicits" % "0.1.0")
- Run, for example, all-in-one jaeger backend with docker
- Compile your project
- See the traces at http://localhost:16686
git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks