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This is the official Greenfossil Scala library for internationalization and localization.

How to Build

This library uses sbt as its build tool. It requires at least Java 17 or later to build.

Follow the official guide on how to install sbt.


To use this library, simply import the package and extend I18nSupport as such

import com.greenfossil.commons.I18nSupport
class myClass extends I18nSupport

You can define a list of key value within a messages properties file using the file structure specified below.

# library.title -> key
# commons-18n -> value

Define your properties file as such

  • src
    • main
      • resources
        • Resource Bundle 'messages'

You can specify additional properties file in your application. A properties file can be segregated into language, country and variant.

messages_en : A properties file which consist of language.

messages_en_SG : A properties file which consist of language and country.

messages_en_SG_i18n : A properties file which consist of language and country and variant.

You can access this translation by invoking either of these 2 methods

import java.util.Locale
given Locale = Locale.getDefault()

// The value will be retrieve in the properties file according to the key defined

// Default value will be shown if key does not exist
i18nWithDefault("library.title","My Library")

Configure some translation according to the locale set

app.i18n.langs = ["en", "zh", "my"] # Note: `en` is already defined by default
app.i18n.variant = "i18n"


commons-i18n is licensed under the Apache license version 2.