Slaq is a port of Stephan Zeiger's excellent ScalaQuery, a type-safe database query API for Scala, similar to FRM (Functional Relational Mapper) libraries like Slick and Quill.
Changes to-date:
- added support for Scala 2.13
- added support for multiple table (outer) joins, mirroring sql join syntax
- automatic mapping of user defined value classes to underlying primitve type
- take/drop queries are now cacheable
- map/flatMap
call has been renamed toParams
- threadLocalSession has been removed
- deprecated
conditional operator has been removed - =~, =!, &, and | are now available as alternatives to ===, =!=, &&, and ||
- MS Access and Derby support have been removed
- myriad refactorings that improve performance compared to original implementation
It includes the following features:
- Session management based on JDBC Connections
- Type-safe queries based on a query monad and combinators
- Simple static and dynamic queries
The following database systems are directly supported for type-safe queries:
- PostgreSQL
- Microsoft SQL Server
- H2
- Derby/JavaDB
- SQLite Accessing other database systems is possible, with a reduced feature set.
Licensing conditions (BSD-style) can be found in LICENSE.txt.