gjsduarte / logback-datadog-appender   0.1.2

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

This appender sends logs to your Datadog account, in bulks using non-blocking threading

Scala versions: 2.11

Datadog logback appender

CircleCI Codacy Badge Maven Central

This appender sends logs to your Datadog account, in bulks using non-blocking threading. Please note that this appender requires logback version 1.2.3 and up, and java 8 and up.

Technical Information

This appender uses the SocketAppender implementation. All logs are placed in a in-memory buffer before being sent. Once you send a log, it will be enqueued in the buffer and 100% non-blocking. There is a background task that will handle the log shipment for you.

Logback Example Configuration

<!-- Use debug=true here if you want to see output from the appender itself -->
<!-- Use line=true here if you want to see the line of code that generated this log -->
    <!-- Use shutdownHook so that we can close gracefully and finish the log drain -->
    <shutdownHook class="ch.qos.logback.core.hook.DelayingShutdownHook"/>
    <appender name="Datadog" class="com.gjsduarte.DatadogAppender">
        <service>my awesome application</service>


Parameter Default Explained
apiKey None Your Datadog api key, which can be found under "integrations" in your account
aws false
block 5 Timeout (in seconds) to block the shutdown waiting for logs to be sent
environment None Name of the application environment
port 10514
remoteHost intake.logs.datadoghq.com
service None
source logback
sourceCategory sourcecode


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