.. stores and finds the stuff you need, either to/from MongoDB for production purposes, or in-memory for testing. Franklin keeps a version number on each item stored in his collections - He is CAS capable and if a lot of people try to modify the same item at the exact same time, he will only let one of you do it. Every time an item is updated - its version number is automatically incremented.
Franklin is just a wrapper for a subset of ReactiveMongo with the option to run in-memory instead of against a mongodb database. Franklin gets a few new APIs every now and then. Franklin's APIs are asynchronous - every operation returns in a future, which you can run in parallell or sequence (e.g. in a for comprehension or async-await, whatever floats your boat) and/or fork/join at any point.
Franklin was initially created to support valhalla-game - and has been extended and tested as needed. Go ahead and use it for whatever purpose you want (MIT licensed) .. if you want to :).
Also see Franklin-Heisenberg
Franklin doesn't do any kind of authentication, so you better use him on a secure net or only talk to mongo on loopback!
In your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.gigurra" %% "franklin" % "0.1.11"
In your code:
import com.github.gigurra.franklin._
val provider: Store = Franklin.loadInMemory()
// or Franklin.loadMongo(database: String = "local", nodes: Seq[String] = Seq(""), codec: BsonCodec = DefaultBsonCodec)
val collection: Collection = provider.getOrCreate("test_document")
// If you want to add some more mongodb magic you can cast this to a
// *case class MongoCollection(collection: BSONCollection)*
// and access the underlying reactivemongo collection directly.
val op1: Future[Unit] = collection.createIndex("uuid", unique = true)
val op2: Future[Unit] = collection.createIndex("items", unique = false)
// Assuming having previously done:
// collection.createIndex("id", unique = true)
val a = Map("id" -> "a", "somedata" -> 1)
val b = Map("id" -> "b", "somedata" -> 1)
val aOp: Future[Unit] = collection.create(a)
val bOp: Future[Unit] = collection.create(b)
// Trying to create the same document again
// with a unique index conflict will eventually
// complete the returned future with an
// ItemAlreadyExists exception.
val bOp2: Future[Unit] = collection.create(b)
// Either access the data with raw 'select-like' statements/filters
val data1: Future[Seq[Item]] = collection.where("id" -> "a", "somedata" -> 1).find
// Or pass in a map
val query = Map("id" -> "a")
val data2: Future[Seq[Item]] = collection.where(query).find
// An Item is:
// case class Item(data: Map[String, Any], version: Long)
Per document updates completely replace the previous content. They are atomic - per mongodb design (as is the franklin in-memory implementation). All updates respect unique index constraints or return failing futures.
// You specify the item to replace, its new data, if upsert (create new if missing), and the expected version.
// The expectVersion is the version you expect the previously stored data to have. If you specify the wrong version,
// The returned future will eventually complete with an exception (probably a WrongDataVersion exception)
// The starting version number when they're first created in the database is 1
val op1: Future[Unit] = collection.where("id" -> "a").update(Map("id" -> "a", "ouf" -> 3321), upsert = false, expectVersion = 3)
// To ignore the data version & invite race conditions - omit the expectVersion parameter or set it to -1
val op2: Future[Unit] = collection.where("id" -> "b").update(Map("id" -> "b", "ouf" -> 123))
You can also append data atomically to a document without having to replace the entire document. This is currently implemented in Franklin for Seq[..] and Set[..] fields. If you want more advanced append logic you can always throw me a pull request or just store the appended data in an entirely new document and use indexing or performance.
Appended entries respect unique index constraints and will return failing futures if the required conditions are not met. The default is an expression from () => Map[String, Any] (or just pass by name expr => .., Franklin supports either) used when no document matching your search criteria exists.
Version numbers are currently not supported for append operations, but append operations themselves are atomic and will complete without destroying any previous or concurrent modifications.
// Assuming somewhere previously
// collection.createIndex("id", unique = true)
// collection.createIndex("ids", unique = true)
val op1: Future[Unit] = collection.where("id" -> "a").default(a).append("ids" -> Seq(1, 2, 3))
val op2: Future[Unit] = collection.where("id" -> "b").default(b).append("ids" -> Seq(4, 5, 6))
// Will fail since the "ids" field is uniquely indexed and the "id"->"a" document's "ids"
// field contains one or more of these elements. Operations are atomic and completed entirely
// or not at all, so '99' will NOT be added to the "id -> "b" document
val op3: Future[Unit] = collection.where("id" -> "b").default(b).append("ids" -> Seq(99, 1, 2))
// *default* works the same as it does for append operations
val op: Future[Item] = collection.where("id" -> "a").default(Map("id" -> "a", "name" -> "monkey", "yo" -> "da")).loadOrCreate
Note: These operations are NOT atomic
val op1: Future[Unit] = collection.wipeItems().yesImSure()
val op2: Future[Unit] = collection.wipeIndices().yesImSure()
The mapping between MongoDB's BSON and scalas Map[String, Any] is determined by what BsonCodec (a Franklin type) you pick.
trait BsonCodec {
protected def mongoValue2Any(value: BSONValue): Any
protected def any2MongoValue(value: Any): BSONValue
def mongo2map(doc: BSONDocument): Map[String, Any] = {
.filter(_._1 != "_id")
def map2mongo(map: Map[String, Any]): BSONDocument = {
The default bson codec, aptly named DefaultBsonCodec - selected automatically if you do explicitly specify one, is defined as follows
case object DefaultBsonCodec extends BsonCodec {
protected def mongoValue2Any(value: BSONValue): Any = {
value match {
case value: BSONArray => value.values.map(mongoValue2Any)
case value: BSONBoolean => value.value
case value: BSONDateTime => Instant.ofEpochMilli(BSONNumberLike.BSONDateTimeNumberLike(value).toLong)
case value: BSONDocument => mongo2map(value)
case value: BSONDouble => value.value
case value: BSONInteger => value.value
case value: BSONLong => value.value
case value: BSONObjectID => value.stringify
case value: BSONString => value.value
case value: BSONTimestamp => Instant.ofEpochMilli(BSONNumberLike.BSONTimestampNumberLike(value).toLong)
case BSONNull => null
case value: BSONSymbol => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${classOf[BSONSymbol]} to an Any")
case value: BSONBinary => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${classOf[BSONBinary]} to an Any")
case value: BSONDBPointer => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${classOf[BSONDBPointer]} to an Any")
case value: BSONJavaScript => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${classOf[BSONJavaScript]} to an Any")
case value: BSONJavaScriptWS => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${classOf[BSONJavaScriptWS]} to an Any")
case BSONMaxKey => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${BSONMaxKey.getClass} to an Any")
case BSONMinKey => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${BSONMinKey.getClass} to an Any")
case value: BSONRegex => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${classOf[BSONRegex]} to an Any")
case BSONUndefined => throw BsonCodecException(s"Don't know how to convert ${BSONUndefined.getClass} to an Any")
case x => throw BsonCodecException(s"DefaultBsonCodec:mongoValue2Any: Don't know how to convert $x to an Any")
protected def any2MongoValue(value: Any): BSONValue = {
value match {
case value: Byte => BSONInteger(value)
case value: Short => BSONInteger(value)
case value: Int => BSONInteger(value)
case value: Long => BSONLong(value)
case value: BigInt => BSONLong(value.longValue())
case value: Date => BSONDateTime.apply(value.getTime)
case value: Instant => BSONDateTime.apply(value.toEpochMilli)
case value: java.math.BigInteger => BSONLong(value.longValue())
case value: String => BSONString(value)
case value: Map[_, _] => map2mongo(value.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]])
case value: Iterable[_] => BSONArray(value.map(any2MongoValue))
case value: Boolean => BSONBoolean(value)
case null => BSONNull
case x => throw BsonCodecException(s"DefaultBsonCodec:any2MongoValue: Don't know how to convert $x to a BSONValue")