A sbt plugin to generate module-info.class for your projects and use legacy libraries as Java Modules
- Add to project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.sandinh" % "sbt-java-module-info" % sbt-java-module-info-version)
- Set
(should be inGlobal
// With this, the legacy .jar files of your libraryDependencies will be transformed to modules
// which are stored in target/moduleInfo directory
Global / moduleInfos := Seq(
// Add `Automatic-Module-Name: paranamer` to paranamer.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
"com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer", // id in format org:name
"paranamer" // module name
AutomaticModule("org.slf4j:slf4j-api", "org.slf4j",
/** identifiers like List(org1:name1, org2:name2) of dependencies will be merged to the .jar file of this module.
* The Java Module System does not allow the same package to be used in more than one module.
* This is an issue with legacy libraries, where it was common practice to use the same package in multiple Jars.
* This plugin offers the option to merge multiple Jars into one in such situations.
* Note: ignore for `moduleInfo` task
mergeJars = List("org.slf4j:slf4j-ext")
// Generate and add module-info.class to jackson-module-scala_3.jar to transform it to a module
// other fields as above:
// exports, opens, uses, providers, requireAllDefinedDependencies, exportAllPackages, mergeJars
/** allows you to ignore some unwanted services from being automatically converted into
* provides .. with ... declarations
ignoreServiceProviders = Set("org.some.provider")
- Enable the plugin and add settings to your sbt projects
lazy val foo = project.enablePlugins(ModuleInfoPlugin).settings(
// Use this to generate module-info.class
moduleInfo := JpmsModule(
"com.my.foo.module.name", // foo's moduleName
openModule = false, // If you don't want to open module com.my.foo.module.name
exports = Set("com.package1", "org.foo.bar"),
opens = Set("com.package1"),
requires = Set("org.apache.commons.logging" -> Require.Transitive),
// similar for uses, providers
// if you want to auto generate the `requires` field above based on project's dependencies
// then you set this = true (default = true if `requires.isEmpty`)
requireAllDefinedDependencies = true,
// if you want to auto generate the `exports` field above based on the classes in your project
// then you set this = true (default = true if `exports.isEmpty`)
exportAllPackages = true,
lazy val baz = project.enablePlugins(ModuleInfoPlugin).settings(
// Use this to set Automatic-Module-Name field in MANIFEST.MF
moduleInfo := AutomaticModule("com.my.baz.module.name")
- Done This plugin will update the following sbt tasks:
--> will also create module-info.class for your project if moduleInfo is a JpmsModule (soCompile/packageBin
will package it into your jar)Compile / packageBin / packageOptions
--> will addManifestAttributes("Automatic-Module-Name" -> moduleName)
--> will transform the legacy .jar files of your libraryDependencies (So other tasks will be updated as well, likeRuntime/managedClasspath
Apache License 2.0
https://github.com/moditect/moditect https://github.com/gradlex-org/extra-java-module-info