gchudnov / metrics-csv-table-reporter   1.0.1

MIT License GitHub

Capture metrics to a single csv table

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12


Capture metrics to a single csv table.


Add the following dependency to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.gchudnov" %% "metrics-csv-table-reporter" % "1.0.1"

Optionally, add github credentials and package repository resolver to build.sbt:

credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials")
resolvers += Resolver.url("GitHub Package Registry", url("https://maven.pkg.github.com/gchudnov/metrics-csv-table-reporter"))

// cat ~/.sbt/.credentials
// realm=GitHub Package Registry
// host=maven.pkg.github.com
// user=USER
// password=TOKEN

In your code, import com.github.gchudnov.metrics.CsvTableReporter, construct and start the reporter:

import java.io.FileOutputStream
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry
import com.github.gchudnov.metrics.CsvTableReporter

val registry = new MetricRegistry
val outStream = new FileOutputStream("/some/path/report.csv", true)

val reporter = CsvTableReporter

reporter.start(1.second.toSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

add meters, histograms to the registry. When running, metrics output will be appended to the provided output stream.

Quick Reference

  .forRegistry(registry: MetricRegistry)                              // A registry to build a reporter for.
  .shutdownExecutorOnStop(shutdownExecutorOnStop: Boolean)            // Whether reporting executor stopped at the same time as reporter.
  .scheduleOn(executor: ScheduledExecutorService)                     // The executor to use while scheduling reporting of metrics.
  .outputTo(output: OutputStream = System.out)                        // Write to the given OutputStream.
  .withSeparator(separator: String = ";")                             // Delimiter to separate the values.
  .formattedFor(locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault())                 // Format numbers using the given Locale.
  .withClock(clock: Clock = Clock.defaultClock())                     // Clock to use to get the time.
  .formattedFor(timeZone: TimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault)             // Format time using the given TimeZone.
  .convertRatesTo(rateUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)              // Convert rates to the given time unit.
  .convertDurationsTo(durationUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // Convert durations to the given time unit.
  .filter(filter: MetricFilter = MetricFilter.ALL)                    // Report only metrics that match the given filter.
  .enabledColumns(Set[Column] = Columns.All)                          // Enable only specified columns in the output.

Output Fields

The output contains the following columns:

  • name - name of the metric.
  • kind - type of the metric. one of the: gauge, counter, histogram, meter, timer.
  • ts - timestamp.
  • value - measured value at the given time. Used by gauge.
  • count - number of events which have been marked. Used by counter, histogram, meter or timer.
  • max - max value.
  • mean - average value.
  • min - min value.
  • stddev - standard deviation -- how measurements are spread out from the average (mean) value.
  • p50 - median.
  • p75 - 75th percentile.
  • p95 - 95th percentile.
  • p98 - 98th percentile.
  • p99 - 99th percentile.
  • p999 - 99.9th percentile.
  • m1_rate - 1-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate, converted to [1/rate_unit].
  • m5_rate - 5-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate, converted to [1/rate_unit].
  • m15_rate - 15-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate, converted to [1/rate_unit].
  • mean_rate - mean rate, converted to [1/rate_unit].
  • rate_unit - time unit used to measure the rate, e.g. second.
  • duration_unit - time unit used to measure the duration, e.g. milliseconds.

Rates m1_rate, m5_rate, m15_rate, mean_rate define the throughput; - how many units (events) where processed per rate_unit.

Metric-related columns

| kind      | value | count | max | mean | min | stddev | p50 | p75 | p95 | p98 | p99 | p999 | m1_rate | m5_rate | m15_rate | mean_rate |
| --------- | ----- | ----- | --- | ---- | --- | ------ | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---- | ------- | ------- | -------- | --------- |
| gauge     | x     |       |     |      |     |        |     |     |     |     |     |      |         |         |          |           |
| counter   |       | x     |     |      |     |        |     |     |     |     |     |      |         |         |          |           |
| histogram |       | x     | x   | x    | x   | x      | x   | x   | x   | x   | x   | x    |         |         |          |           |
| meter     |       | x     |     |      |     |        |     |     |     |     |     |      | r       | r       | r        | r         |
| timer     |       | x     | d   | d    | d   | d      | d   | d   | d   | d   | d   | d    | r       | r       | r        | r         |


  • x is a plain value.
  • d represents a duration in duration_units.
  • r represents a rate in rate_units.




Grigorii Chudnov


Distributed under the The MIT License (MIT).