garnercorp / test-charged   0.1.16

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A small library with helpers for generating test data through a simple DSL

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 2.11


Scala Versions

A small library with helpers for generating test data through a simple DSL.

You can super charge water. You should also super charge your tests.

Quick Start

Simply add that dependency to your SBT file:

libraryDependencies += "com.garnercorp" %% "test-charged" % "0.1.17"


Required Import

import com.garnercorp.testcharged.generators._

Concrete Values

I often found I wanted generated values for my tests because I did not want to care about the actual data. The TestCharged generator DSL allows you to do this quickly and easily from any ScalaCheck Gen object.

Generate.alpha.value               // String
Generate.alpha.option              // Option[String] - Could be Some or None
Generate.alpha.some                // Some(String) - Will always evaluate to Some
Generate.alpha.seq                 // Seq[String] - Length is arbitrary
Generate.alpha.nonEmptySeq         // Seq[String] - Will never be empty
Generate.alpha.seqOf(size = 3)     // Seq[String] - Will be of size 3

This same DSL can be used to transform a simple Gen[String] into more complex generators:

Generate.alpha.gen.option              // Gen[Option[String]] - Generated option could be Some or None
Generate.alpha.gen.some                // Gen[Some(String)] - Generated option will always evaluate to Some
Generate.alpha.gen.seq                 // Gen[Seq[String]] - Generated sequence's length is arbitrary
Generate.alpha.gen.nonEmptySeq         // Gen[Seq[String]] - Generated sequence will never be empty
Generate.alpha.gen.seqOf(size = 3)     // Gen[Seq[String]] - Generated sequence will be of size 3

Provided Generators

There are many common use cases for generated data. TestCharged attempts to provide a number of them. You can access these generators through the Generate object which is part of the generators package.

For more information, see Generator Examples.

Available Generators

Size API

All basic generators conform to the SizeApi which defines 5 default generation sizes:

Generate.alpha.tiny       // Smallest set of data
Generate.alpha.small      // Data is still readable but larger than tiny.
Generate.alpha.default    // If you don't know what to use, use this.
Generate.alpha.large      // Data is large.  Not human readable.
Generate.alpha.huge       // Largest possible data generation.


TestCharged uses the sonatype SBT plugin to do releases to Maven Central.

See .github/workflows/publish.yml for steps on how to release a version