garlandus / augment   0.0.4


Augmented functions

Scala versions: 3.x


Augmented functions

Augmenting a function means implementing "type constructor polymorphism": if its original argument types were A, B and C, it will now be applicable to arguments of type T[A, B, C], for a wide range of values of T.


The additional behavior depends on the value of T: this can go from simple vectorization (T = Vector) as found in R and MATLAB, to representating monadic chains, in other words doing the work of a for-comprehension (or nested flatMap calls), to representing "near-monadic chains" that in fact imply the use of a monad transformer.

Quick start

(For Java and Clojure, setup and examples follow further below.)
In Scala, you can add the following to build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "co.computist" %% "augment" % "0.0.4"

Imports to get you started:

import augmented._
import augmented.given
import mappable.given
import mappablethirdparty.given   // for Cats Effect, ZIO, Guava, etc

If you want all (true) functions to be augmented by default:

import augmented.Extensions._

(Note that Scala methods will not be affected by default. There are a number of simple ways to convert a method to a function, including assigning it to a variable, or following it with an underscore.)

Why augmented function notation is often the most concise

Augmented function calls can fully replace for-comprehensions, and are often more concise. To see how, let's look at the example of Pythagorean triples, starting with a for-comprehension:

case class Triangle(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int)
val toTriangle = Triangle.apply

def getThirdLength(a: Int, b: Int) = (b to n).filter(c => a * a + b * b == c * c)

val trianglesA =
    a <- 1 to n
    b <- a to n
    c <- getThirdLength(a, b)
  yield toTriangle(a, b, c)

(Here we've avoided the use of a separate guard, which might slightly muddy the waters.)

The flatMap equivalent is then

val trianglesB =
  (1 to n).flatMap(
    a => (a to n).flatMap(
      b => getThirdLength(a, b).map(
        c => toTriangle(a, b, c))))

Now written as an augmented function call:

val trianglesC = toTriangle(1 to n, _ to n, getThirdLength)

Considerably shorter... but we can "reinflate" it to get back to something resembling both the for-comprehension and the nested flatMaps. We can start by using sequence, which will yield the value of the last element in the chain:

val trianglesD = sequence(1 to n, _ to n, getThirdLength, toTriangle)

We can then simply write this a bit differently, without changing its meaning at all:

val trianglesE = sequence(
                1 to n,
  a         =>  a to n,
  (a, b)    =>  getThirdLength(a, b),
  (a, b, c) =>  toTriangle(a, b, c)

In doing so we see that the terms in both the for-comprehension and the nested flatMaps reappear: 1 to n, a to n, getThirdLength(a, b) and toTriangle(a, b, c). The original form had eliminated all the extras, and kept only the essential information that characterizes the chain.

Other Examples

Pascal's triangle

binomialCoefficient(0 to n, 0 to _)


select(1 to n, 1 to _, 1 to _)


There are some ZIO examples (in the examples folder), adapted from Alvin Alexander's tutorials (, that can show you the difference in syntax for more "real-world" cases. They also illustrate how the sequence syntax stays almost the same between Scala and Java: it's just function application.

From Java

Quick start

You can add the following to the dependencies in a pom.xml file:


Imports to get you started:

import static augmented.augmentJ.*;
import static;

Although Java 8 is sufficient, Java 11 is recommended since var means you can avoid lengthy explicit type names (often with multiple generic parameters).


Pythagorean triples

This can be compared with e.g.

var n = 20;

var triangles =
    range(1, n),
    a -> range(a, n),
    b -> range(b, n),
    (a, b, c) -> a * a + b * b == c * c);     // [[3 4 5], [5 12 13], [6 8 10], [8 15 17], [9 12 15]]

Propagation of future values

import static mappable.Mapper.mappable;

var mult = augment((Integer a, Integer b) -> a * b);
var add = augment((Integer a, Integer b, Integer c) -> a + b + c);

mult.apply(4, 5);   // here mult returns an ordinary value (20)
add.apply(4, 5, 6); // 15

var executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
var futureVal = mappable(4, a -> executor.submit(() -> {Thread.sleep(500); return a;}));

var x = mult.apply(futureVal, 5);
var y = add.apply(2, x, 3);
var z = mult.apply(4, y);   // here mult returns a future value

assertEquals(z.mappable() instanceof FutureTask, true);
assertEquals(z.hasValue(), false);
assertEquals(z.hasValue(), true);
assertEquals(z.value(), (Integer) 100);


Please see the comments about ZIO examples in the Scala section, above.

From Clojure

Quick start

You can add the following to the dependencies in a project.clj file:

[co.computist/augment_3 "0.0.4"]
[org.scala-lang/scala3-library_3 "3.5.2"]


Pythagorean triples

(defn augment [f] (augmentedClj.augment/apply f))
(def triple (augment (fn [a b c] [a b c])))
(def n 20)

(def triples
    (range 1 n)
    #(range % n)
    #(range % n)
    (fn [a b c] (= (+ (* a a) (* b b)) (* c c)))))

(is (= triples [[3 4 5] [5 12 13] [6 8 10] [8 15 17] [9 12 15]]))

Function graph

(def squares (augment (fn [a b] (- 100 (+ (* a a) (* b b))))))
(squares 5 5)                                      ; 50
(.graph (squares (range -10 11) (range -10 11)))   ; plots function using HTML / JavaScript / plotly

Propagation of future values

(defn mappable [x] (augmentedClj.Mapper/mappable x))

;; this returns a Clojure function, i.e. one that implements IFn
(def mult (augment (fn [a b] (* a b))))
(def add (augment (fn [a b c] (+ a b c))))

(mult 4 5)  ; here mult returns an ordinary value (20)
(add 4 5 6) ; 15

(def futureVal (mappable (future (Thread/sleep 500) (println "done") (+ 1 3))))

(def x (mult futureVal 5))
(def y (add 2 x 3))
(def z (mult 4 y))  ; here mult returns a future value

(is (= (type (. z mappable)) FutureTask))
(is (= (. z hasValue) false))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(is (= (. z hasValue) true))
(is (= (. z value) 100))