furyu / play-velocity-plugin   1.1.1


Velocity Plugin for Play2 framework

Scala versions: 2.11 2.10

Velocity Plugin for Play2 framework

supported play version is 2.0.x, 2.1.x and 2.2.x.

In addition, also support scala project.

What is Velocity?

See Apache Velocity Site

Release Note

Version Release Date Description
1.1 2013/04/08 enhancement #5 #12
1.1.1 2013/09/18 bug fixed #13
1.2 2014/01/10 supported play 2.2.x
1.3 2015/06/17 CrossBuild Scala2.10/2.11


1. Install Plugin.

Edit file project/Build.scala or build.sbt

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "jp.furyu" %% "play-velocity-plugin" % "LATEST_VERSION"

Edit file conf/play.plugins


2. Call VM Function in your Controller.

import jp.furyu.play.velocity.mvc._

object YourController extends Controller {
  def index = Action {
    Ok(VM("vm/index.vm", Map("name" -> "__name__", "title" -> "__title__")))

3. Add vm/index.vm File.

<!DOCTYPE html>

4. Run your application.

Additional Configurations.

Plugin load velocity.properties in velocity.jar.

If customize its settings, add file velocity_plugin.properties and edit any settings.

Scala Application Setting.

Velocity don't support Scala's Map and List usually.

If you want to use, please set the following in your project.

runtime.introspector.uberspect = jp.furyu.play.velocity.ScalaUberspect

Sample Scala Play Project.

A sample application is available, to run it:

  1. clone the repository
  2. sbt or sbt.bat
  3. In sbt console, enter project scala-sample and run
  4. open a browser to localhost:9000