Glicko2 sport players' rating algorithm for the JVM. Details on ELO and Glicko systems can be found at ELO Wikipedia, Glicko Wikipedia, or Glicko-2 Example. This project is used for computing ELO ratings in the squash players ranking system, for example in Waterfront and Fareham Leisure Centre leagues.
compile 'com.github.forwardloop:glicko2s_2.12:0.9.4'
libraryDependencies += "com.github.forwardloop" %% "glicko2s" % "0.9.4"
Compute new rating for a player based on a sequence of match results with other players:
import static forwardloop.glicko2s.Glicko2J.newPlayerRating;
import forwardloop.glicko2s.Glicko2;
import scala.Tuple2;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
Glicko2 player = newPlayerRating();
Glicko2 opponent1 = newPlayerRating();
Glicko2 opponent2 = newPlayerRating();
Tuple2<Glicko2, Result> match1 = new Tuple2(opponent1, Glicko2J.Win);
Tuple2<Glicko2, Result> match2 = new Tuple2(opponent2, Glicko2J.Loss);
Tuple2<Glicko2, Result> match3 = new Tuple2(opponent1, Glicko2J.Win);
List<Tuple2<Glicko2, Result>> results = Arrays.asList(match1, match2, match3);
Glicko2 newRating = Glicko2J.calculateNewRating(player, results);
The project is cross-compiled for Scala 2.11 and 2.12.
import forwardloop.glicko2s.{Loss, Win, Glicko2}
val player, opponent1, opponent2 = new Glicko2
val results = Seq(
(opponent1, Win),
(opponent2, Loss),
(opponent1, Win))
val newRating = player.calculateNewRating(results)
The rating, rating deviation and volatility parameters will change as follows:
//player.toGlicko1: rating: 1500, deviation: 350.00, volatility: 0.060000
//newRating.toGlicko1: rating: 1600, deviation: 227.74, volatility: 0.059998
The simple implementation of the EloResult
trait provided allows three outcomes: win, draw or loss with
weights 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, respectively. This can be fine tuned to differentiate between outcomes like 3:0 and 3:2,
to better reflect true players' level in ELO computations. An example implementation for racquet sports can be found