flxj / platdb   0.14.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

PlatDB is a disk oriented key value storage engine aimed at providing a simple, easy-to-use, lightweight data persistence solution

Scala versions: 3.x



PlatDB is a disk oriented key value storage engine aimed at providing a simple, easy-to-use, lightweight data persistence solution. πŸ“£

It has the following characteristics:

  • βœ… Organize data using a single file for easy migration πŸ‘Œ
  • βœ… Support for ACID transactions πŸ‘Œ
  • βœ… Supports concurrent execution of read and write transactions (mvcc) πŸ‘Œ
  • βœ… Supports multiple commonly used data structures (Map/Set/List/RTree) πŸ‘Œ
  • βœ… Supports both embedded usage and independent deployment as a service, providing an HTTP interface for accessing dataπŸ‘Œ

The implementation of Platdb refers to projects such as boltdb, and one of my main purposes in developing Platdb is to learn database related knowledge.

⚠️ Please note that this project has not been fully tested yet and should not be used in production environments❗️

πŸ‘‡ Usage platdb

Import platdb into your project first


libraryDependencies += "io.github.flxj" %% "platdb" % "0.14.0"



Using platdb is very simple. You only need to provide a data file path, create a DB instance, and open it

The following example will open a database

import platdb._
import platdb.defaultOptions // Default db configuration

val path = "/tmp/my.db" // If the file does not exist, platdb will attempt to create and initialize it
var db = new DB(path)
db.open() match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage()) 
    case Success(_) => None

// Perform some read and write operations on this DB instance...

db.close() match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None

Platdb allows only one process to open a data file at the same time, so other processes or threads attempting to open will continue to block or timeout (the timeout can be set in Options).

It is safe for multiple threads to operate on the same DB instance.

πŸ‘‡ Transaction

All operations on platdb data objects should be encapsulated in the transaction context to ensure consistency of db data content.

Currently, Platdb supports creating read-only or read-write transactions on DB instances, where read-write transactions allow updating of data object status, while read-only transactions only allow reading of data object information.

Platdb supports the simultaneous opening of multiple read-only transactions and at most one read-write transaction (read-write transaction serial execution) on a single DB instance, and uses the mvcc mechanism to control transaction concurrency.

Platdb's data objects are thread unsafe, so do not operate on the same data object concurrently in a transaction. If there is a requirement, each thread should open a transaction separately.

Platdb's Transaction supports management methods for built-in data structure objects. for example

createBucket: Create a map (alias bucket)
createBucketIfNotExists: Create a map if it does not exist
openBucket: Open an existing map
deleteBucket: Delete a map
createList: Create List
createListIfNotExists: Create a list if it does not exist
openList: Open an existing list
deleteList: Delete a list

The following example executes a read-only transaction, where view is a convenient method provided by the DB instance to execute read-only transactions

import platdb._
import platdb.defaultOptions

// Open a DB instance

    (tx:Transaction) =>
        // Perform some reading operations, such as opening and reading some content from the bucket
        tx.openBucket("bucketName") match
            case Failure(e) => throw e
            case Success(bk) =>
                bk.get("key") match
                    case Failure(e) => throw e
                    case Success(value) => println(value)
) match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None 

// Close this DB instance

If you don't like to write too many match statements to handle the possible exceptions thrown by each step of the operation, the above example can also be written in the following form

import platdb._
import platdb.Collection._ // Convenient methods for importing collection objects

    (tx:Transaction) =>
        given tx = tx
        val bk = openBucket("bucketName") 
        val value = bk("key")
) match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None    

The following example shows the execution of a read/write transaction, and update is a convenient method provided by the DB instance to execute read/write transactions

import platdb._
import platdb.defaultOptions

// Open a DB instance

    (tx:Transaction) =>
        // Perform some read and write operations, such as opening and modifying some content in the list at this point
        tx.openList("listName") match
            case Failure(e) => throw e
            case Success(list) =>
                list.append("value1") match
                    case Failure(e) => throw e
                    case Success(_) => None
                list.prepend("value2") match
                    case Failure(e) => throw e
                    case Success(_) => None
                list.update(3,"value3") match
                    case Failure(e) => throw e
                    case Success(_) => None
) match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None    

// Close this DB instance

Similarly, the above example can also be written as

import platdb._
import platdb.Collection._ 

    (tx:Transaction) =>
        given tx = tx
        val list = openList("listName") 
        list(3) = "value3"
) match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None    

The recommended transaction operations for users are carried out through convenient methods such as view/update, as these methods automatically rollback/commit transactions and return exception information.

Of course, users can also manually manage transactions, and the start method of a DB instance is used to open a transaction object.

import platdb._

var tx:Transaction = null
    db.begin(true) match
        case Failure(e) => throw e
        case Success(tx) =>
            // use the transaction here
            tx.commit() match
                case Failure(e) => throw e
                case Success(_) => None
    case e:Exception => 
        if tx!=null then
            tx.rollback() match
                case Failure(e) => // process the error if need
                case Success(_) => None
        // process the error if need

When manually managing a transaction, it is important to remember to manually close the transaction (explicitly calling the rollback/commit method).

Additionally, it should be noted that the results of querying data objects in a transaction are only valid during the current transaction lifecycle, and will be garbage collected when the transaction is closed. Therefore, if you want to use the read content outside of a transaction, you need to copy it out in the transaction.

πŸ‘‡ data structure

Platdb supports some common data structures:

Bucket: An ordered set of key-values (similar to TreeMap in scala/Java), where both key and value are string type data (using platform default encoding), and buckets also support nesting.

BSet: An ordered set of strings (similar to TreeSet in scala/Java).

KList: A string list that can be used to retrieve elements using subscripts, similar to Scala's ArrayBuffer and List.

Region: A spatial index based on RTree, where each Region object can be used to represent an n-dimensional spatial region, providing the ability to add, delete, modify, and query spatial objects.

The common operations for buckets are as follows

import platdb._
import platdb.Collection._

    (tx:Transaction) =>
        given tx = tx
        // create bucket
        val bk = createBucketIfNotExists("bucketName") 

        // Open an existing bucket
        val bk2 = openBucket("bucketName2")

        // Add or update bucket elements (if the key already exists, its old value will be overwritten)
        bk("key2") = "value2"
        // Batch adding or modifying bucket elements
        val elems = List[(String,String)](("key2","value2"),("key3","value3"),("key4","value4"))
        // read
        val v = bk("key4")

        // Delete bucket element

        // Traverse buckets (in ascending dictionary order of keys)
        for e <- bk.iterator do
            e match 
                case (None,None) => None
                case (Some(k),None) => 
                case (Some(k),Some(v)) =>

        // Open a nested sub bucket
        bk.openBucket("subBucketName") match
            case Failure(e) => throw e
            case Success(sbk) => None
) match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None  

For more introduction to the method of bucket, please refer to [TODO]

The common operations of BSet are as follows

import platdb._
import platdb.Collection._

    (tx:Transaction) =>
        given tx = tx
        // create set
        val set = createBSetIfNotExists("setName") 

        // Adding Elements

        // Batch Add Elements
        val elems = List[String]("elem1","elem2","elem3")
        // Determine whether an element exists
        set.contains("elem4") match
            case Failure(e) => throw e
            case Success(flag) => println(flag)

        // Delete Element

        // Traverse (in ascending dictionary order of elements)
        for e <- set.iterator do
            e match 
                case (None,_) => None
                case (Some(k),_) =>
        // Open an existing set
        val set2 = openSet("setName2")

        // set intersection
        val set3 = set & set2

        // Set union
        val set4 = set | set2

        // Set difference
        val set5 = set - set2
) match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None  

For more introduction to the method of set, please refer to [TODO]

The common operations for KList are as follows

import platdb._
import platdb.Collection._

    (tx:Transaction) =>
        given tx = tx
        // create list
        val list = createListIfNotExists("listName") 

        // Open an existing list
        val list1 = openList("listName") 

        // Add elements at the tail

        // Add elements to the header

        // Retrieve elements using subscripts
        val e = list(1)

        // Update Element
        list(1) = "newElem"

        // Delete an element
        list.remove(100) match
            case Failure(e) => throw e
            case Success(_) => None 

        // Insert Element
        list.insert(100, "value") match
            case Failure(e) => throw e
            case Success(_) => None 

        // Slice operation
        list.slice(400,500) match
            case Failure(e) => throw e
            case Success(sublist) => 
) match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None 

KList also supports other methods such as drop/dropRight, take/taskRight, find/filter, etc.For more introduction to the method of list, please refer to [TODO]

The commonly used methods for Region are as follows

import platdb._
import platdb.Collection._

    (tx:Transaction) =>
        given tx = tx
        // create a region with dimension 2.
        val reg = createRegionIfNotExists("regionName",2) 

        // add a spatial object to the region.
        val obj = SpatialObject(Rectange(Array[Double](10.2,10.5),Array[Double](17.8,19.3)),"key","data")

        // query objects.

        // delete objects
        // range query.
) match
    case Failure(e) => println(e.getMessage())
    case Success(_) => None 

Platdb uses Rectangle to describe the boundary of an object, with the min field being a vector that sequentially represents the smallest coordinate value of each dimension, and the max field being used to represent the maximum value of each dimension

Platdb uses SpatialObject to represent a spatial object, the coord field to represent its boundaries, the key field to be a globally unique name, and the data field to be the data associated with the object (can be empty)

For more introduction to the method of region, please refer to [TODO]

πŸ‘‡ Backup

The backup of platdb is very simple, just call the backup method on a DB instance that is already open This method will initiate a read-only transaction, copy a consistent db view to the target file, and the backup process will not block other read/write transactions.

import platdb._
import platdb.defaultOptions

// open a db instance

val path = "/path/to/you/backup/file.db"
db.backup(path) match
    case Failure(e) => // backup failed
    case Success(_) => // backup success

πŸ‘‡ Deploying platdb as a service

Currently, it supports running platdb as a serevr and accessing db data through an HTTP interface

Users can import Platdb projects and run Platdb HTTP services by constructing a Server instance

val ops = ServerOptions()
val svc = Server(ops)

You can also run the platdb server by directly running the compiled platdb jar package

java -jar platdb-serevr-0.12.0.jar "path/to/you/config/file"

The following example shows how to operate a single collection object through an HTTP interface (each request responds with a platdb transaction in the backend)

⭐ 1. View the collection object names contained in the current db

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8080/v1/collections" | python -m json.tool

The returned data structure is as follows:

    "collections": [
        "collectionType": "Bucket",
        "name": "bucket2"
        "collectionType": "BList",
        "name": "list1"

⭐ 2. Query the bucket object names in the current database

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets" | python -m json.tool

The returned data structure is as follows:

    "collections": [
            "collectionType": "Bucket",
            "name": "bucket2"

⭐ 3. Create a bucekt

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "bucket1", "ignoreExists":true}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets"

⭐ 4. Add elements to the bucket

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "bucket1", "elems":[{"key":"key1","value":"aaa"},{"key":"key2","value":"aaa"},{"key":"key3","value":"ccc"}]}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets/elements"

⭐ 5. Query the elements in the bucket (currently only supports obtaining all elements), with the URL parameter name being the name of the bucket to be queried

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets/elements?name=bucket1" | python -m json.tool

The returned data structure is as follows:

        "key": "key1",
        "value": "aaa"
        "key": "key2",
        "value": "aaa"
        "key": "key3",
        "value": "ccc"

⭐ 6. Delete elements from bucket

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d '{"name":"bucket1","keys":["key1","key2"]}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets/elements"

⭐ 7. Delete bucket

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d '{"name":"bucket1","ignoreNotExists":true}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets"

⭐ 8. Create a Blist

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "list2", "ignoreExists":true}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/blists"

⭐ 9. Add elements to the tail of the Blist

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "list2","prepend":false, "elems":["elem1","elem2","elem3"]}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/blists/elements"

⭐10. Add elements to the Blist header

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "list2","prepend":true, "elems":["elem4","elem5","elem6"]}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/blists/elements"

⭐ 11. Query the Blist element (currently only supports obtaining all elements), with the URL parameter name being the name of the Blist to be queried

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8080/v1/blists/elements?name=list2" | python -m json.tool

The returned data structure is as follows:

        "index": "0",
        "value": "elem4"
        "index": "1",
        "value": "elem5"
        "index": "2",
        "value": "elem6"
        "index": "3",
        "value": "elem1"
        "index": "4",
        "value": "elem2"
        "index": "5",
        "value": "elem3"

⭐ 12. Update an element in the Blist

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"name":"list2","index":5,"elem":"vvvvvvvv"}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/blists/elements"

⭐13. Delete Blist element

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d '{"name":"list2","index":2,"count":2}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/blists/elements"

⭐14. Delete Blist

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d '{"name":"list2","ignoreNotExists":true}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/blists"

The following example shows executing a transaction containing multiple operations through an HTTP interface

🌟 1. Read only transactions

Assuming that the user wants to read certain elements from a bucket and Blis in a transaction, the following sequence of operations can be defined


The final request is:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"readonly": true,"operations":[{"collection":"bucket1","collectionOp":"","elementOp":"get","elems":[{"key":"key1"},{"key":"key2"}]},{"collection":"list1","collectionOp":"","elementOp":"get","elems":[{"key":"0"},{"key":"1"}]}]}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/txns"

The structure of the execution result is as follows: Note that if executed successfully, each operation in the request generates a corresponding operation result entry


If the transaction execution fails, the success field in the returned JSON structure takes a value of false, the err field is the corresponding error message, and the results field is empty

    "err":"this is some error info",

🌟 2. Read and write transactions

The request structure for read/write transactions is similar to that of read-only transactions, except that the readonly parameter needs to be set to false

Assuming that the user wants to create a bucket, a list, and write some elements to it in a transaction, the following operation sequence can be defined


The final request is:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"readonly": false,"operations":[{"collection":"","collectionOp":"create","elementOp":"","index":0,"count":0,"elems":[{"key":"bucket2","value":"bucket"}]},{"collection":"","collectionOp":"create","elementOp":"","index":0,"count":0,"elems":[{"key":"list1","value":"list"}]},{"collection":"bucket2","collectionOp":"","elementOp":"put","index":0,"count":0,"elems":[{"key":"key1","value":"11111"},{"key":"key2","value":"22222"}]},{"collection":"list1","collectionOp":"","elementOp":"append","index":0,"count":0,"elems":[{"key":"","value":"aaaaa"},{"key":"","value":"bbbbb"}]}]}'  "http://localhost:8080/v1/txns" | python -m json.tool

The structure of the execution result is as follows: Note that if executed successfully, each operation in the request generates a corresponding operation result entry

    "err": "",
    "results": [
            "data": [],
            "err": "",
            "success": true
            "data": [],
            "err": "",
            "success": true
            "data": [],
            "err": "",
            "success": true
            "data": [],
            "err": "",
            "success": true
    "success": true

Other APIs not listed can be found in the Swagger documentation (TODO)

πŸ‘‡ Docker

Edit a configuration file platdb. conf and place it in the example directory.

Build the project using sbt assembly and then execute docker build to build the image

docker run --name xxxxx -p 8080:8080 -v /data:/var/lib/platdb image-name


❎ Supplement some test cases

❎ Implement some memory data structures

❎ Implement a distributed version of platdb cluster