This adds timing capability to http4s, with a possible concrete implementation for New Relic
Add to your library dependencies:
"org.lyranthe" % "http4s-timer-newrelic" % <version>
You should have the New Relic agent installed, with custom annotations enabled.
If your initial version looks like:
val service = HttpService[IO] {
case GET -> Root / "hello" / name =>
Ok(Json.obj("message" -> Json.fromString(s"Hello, ${name}")))
then this should be modified to:
import org.lyranthe.http4s.timer._
import org.lyranthe.http4s.timer.newrelic._
val service = TimedService[IO]("my_service") {
case GET -> Root / "hello" / name =>
"hello/:name" ->
Ok(Json.obj("message" -> Json.fromString(s"Hello, ${name}")))
The body of each partial function now returns a tuple of path name, and the contents of the resulting HTTP response. The path name cannot be taken directly from the requested path, as many paths vary in such things like user ID, but these should not be included in the path sent to monitoring.
Similarly, you should modify any AuthedService
to use TimedAuthedService
The core library is dependent on "org.http4s" %% "http4s-core" % "0.18.0-M8"
The newrelic library is also dependent on "" % "newrelic-api" % "3.45.0"