This library is a ZIO wrapper for Akka Streams. It provides helper methods for describing basic Akka Streams stages/graphs as ZIO effects.
This table gives the supported conversions from Akka Streams components to ZIO effects.
Akka Streams | ZIO (with Materialized value) | ZIO (without Materialized value) |
RunnableGraph[Future[M]] |
ZIO[Has[Materializer], Throwable, M] |
N/A |
Graph[SourceShape[A], M] |
UIO[(ZStream[Has[Materializer], Throwable, A], Task[M])] |
UIO[(ZStream[Has[Materializer], Throwable, A], Task[M])] |
Graph[SinkShape[A], M] |
UIO[ZSink[Has[Materializer], Throwable, Nothing, A, M]] |
UIO[ZSink[Has[Materializer], Throwable, Nothing, A, Unit]] |
To use zio-akka-streams-interop
, add the following line in your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.github.ewan-keith" %% "zio-akka-streams-interop" % "0.1.0"
In order to evaluate an Akka Stream as a ZIO effect, you need to provide an explicit Materializer
. See the Akka Documentation or the examples below for help.
All methods described below can be imported as follows:
import com.github.ekeith.zio.akkastream.Converters._
The simplest way to run an Akka Streams component in a ZIO application is to first construct a full Akka Streams RunnableGraph[Future[M]]
and then to evaluate the full Graph as a ZIO effect. It's important that the Future[M]
value is materialised by the Graph as this is the
only way for the graph to communicate its completion (successful or unsuccessful) to ZIO.
A Graph of this type can be wrapped as ZIO[Has[Materializer], Throwable, M]
with the method imported below:
import com.github.ekeith.zio.akkastream.Converters.runnableGraphAsZioEffect
The Graph will then be evaluated when the ZIO effect is.
import{ Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source }
import com.github.ekeith.zio.akkastream.Converters.runnableGraphAsZioEffect
import scala.concurrent.Future
import zio.{ Has, Layer, Managed, Task, ZLayer }
val actorSystem: Layer[Throwable, Has[ActorSystem]] =
ZLayer.fromManaged(Managed.make(Task(ActorSystem("Test")))(sys => Task.fromFuture(_ => sys.terminate()).either))
val materializerLayer: Layer[Throwable, Has[Materializer]] =
actorSystem >>> ZLayer.fromFunction(as => Materializer(as.get))
val sink: Sink[Int, Future[Int]] = Sink.fold[Int, Int](0)(_ + _)
val runnable: RunnableGraph[Future[Int]] = Source(1 to 10).toMat(sink)(Keep.right)
for {
materialisedValue <- runnableGraphAsZioEffect(runnable).provideLayer(materializerLayer)
} yield materialisedValue // 55
An Akka Streams Source[A, M]
can be expressed as a ZIO effect in 2 ways, depending on whether the Source
materialised value
should be surfaced from the effect or if it can be discarded. Either the akkaSourceAsZioStream
or akkaSourceAsZioStreamMat
methods can be used depending on whether the materialised value should be surfaced or not. Both methods return a ZStream
outputting the output values from the Akka Streams Source
See the table at the top of this page for the exact return signatures for each converter method.
import com.github.ekeith.zio.akkastream.Converters.akkaSourceAsZioStreamMat
import zio.{ Has, Layer, Managed, Task, ZLayer }
val actorSystem: Layer[Throwable, Has[ActorSystem]] =
ZLayer.fromManaged(Managed.make(Task(ActorSystem("Test")))(sys => Task.fromFuture(_ => sys.terminate()).either))
val materializerLayer: Layer[Throwable, Has[Materializer]] =
actorSystem >>> ZLayer.fromFunction(as => Materializer(as.get))
for {
testSource <- Task(Source(1 to 10).mapMaterializedValue(_ => 5))
(zioStream, m) <- akkaSourceAsZioStreamMat(testSource)
output <- * 2).fold(0)(_ + _).provideLayer(materializerLayer)
materialisedValue <- m
} yield (output, materialisedValue) // (110, 5)
An Akka Streams Sink[A, M]
can be expressed as a ZIO effect in 2 ways, depending on whether the Sink
materialised value
should be surfaced from the effect or if it can be discarded. Either the akkaSinkAsZioSink
or akkaSinkAsZioSinkMat
methods can be used depending on whether the materialised value should be surfaced or not. Both methods return a ZSink
that accepts values and provides them to the underlying Akka STreams Sink
See the table at the top of this page for the exact return signatures for each converter method.
import akka.Done
import com.github.ekeith.zio.akkastream.Converters.akkaSinkAsZioSinkMat
import scala.concurrent.Future
import zio.{ Has, Layer, Managed, Task, ZLayer, ZIO }
import scala.collection.mutable.{ Map => MMap }
val actorSystem: Layer[Throwable, Has[ActorSystem]] =
ZLayer.fromManaged(Managed.make(Task(ActorSystem("Test")))(sys => Task.fromFuture(_ => sys.terminate()).either))
val materializerLayer: Layer[Throwable, Has[Materializer]] =
actorSystem >>> ZLayer.fromFunction(as => Materializer(as.get))
/** mutable map used to test side effecting stream stages */
case class TestState() {
private val state = MMap[Int, String]()
def updateState(key: Int): Int = { this.state += (key -> s"record for key $key"); key }
def getState: MMap[Int, String] = this.state
val testState = TestState()
val sideEffectingSink: Sink[Int, Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach({ i => testState.updateState(i); () })
val testStream = ZStream.fromIterable(List(1, 2, 3))
for {
sink <- akkaSinkAsZioSinkMat(sideEffectingSink)
materialisedFuture <-
materialisedValue <- ZIO.fromFuture(_ => materialisedFuture)
} yield (testState.getState, materialisedValue)
// (MMap(1 -> "record for key 1", 2 -> "record for key 2", 3 -> "record for key 3"), Done)
When putting this library together I've used the great zio-akka-cluster library as a template for documentation, CI and deployment.