emartech / escher-akka-http   1.3.76

MIT License GitHub

Escher authentication library for akka-http

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12

Escher Akka HTTP Build Status Maven Central


1.0.3 and above

Add the following to build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.emarsys" %% "escher-akka-http" % "1.0.3"

Prior to 1.0.3

Add the following to build.sbt:

resolvers += "Escher repo" at "https://raw.github.com/emartech/escher-akka-http/master/releases"

For versions 0.0.1, 0.0.2 and 0.0.3:

libraryDependencies += "com.emarsys" % "escher-akka-http" % "0.0.3"

For versions above 0.0.4 (note the double %%):

libraryDependencies += "com.emarsys" %% "escher-akka-http" % "0.0.4"


(post & path("customers" / IntNumber / "cart")) { customerId =>
  escherAuthenticate(List("trusted-service")) { body =>
    complete(Cart(customerId, List("product1", "product2")))


Base test trait:

trait ServiceTestBase
  extends WordSpec
    with Matchers
    with ScalatestRouteTest
    with DefaultJsonProtocol
    with FamilyFormats
    with Config
    with ScalaFutures
    with EscherDirectives {

  def signed(r: HttpRequest, intervalMillis: Int = 15): HttpRequest =
    signRequest("trusted-service")(executor, materializer)(r).futureValue(timeout(1.second), interval(intervalMillis.millis))


class CartServiceSpec extends ServiceTestBase with CartService {
  override def testConfigSource = "akka.loglevel = WARNING"

  val customerId = 123

  "POST cart" should {

    trait CreateScope {
      val uri = s"http://${escherConfig.hostName}:${escherConfig.port}/customers/$customerId/cart"

    "return created cart" in new CreateScope {
      val originalId = 101
      signed(Post(uri, Cart(customerId, List("product1", "product2"))), 100) ~> routes ~> check {
        status shouldBe OK
        responseAs[Cart] shouldEqual Cart(customerId, List("product1", "product2"))


Creating a release

This library is using sbt-release-early for releasing artifacts. Every push will be released to maven central, see the plugins documentation on the versioning schema.

To cut a final release:

Choose the appropriate version number according to semver then create and push a tag with it, prefixed with v. For example:

$ git tag -a v1.0.3
$ git push --tag

After pushing the tag, while it is not strictly necessary, please draft a release on github with this tag too.