- Reuse components using Sparkles - data processing monads
- Map over generic lists of functions
- Provides base classes for writing:
- CLI applications
- Spark / Spark Streaming jobs
- Provides collector API and sample collectors
- Spark SQL Server - automatically register tables given directory (supports json, parquet, csv, jdbc and cassandra)
- app-api - base classes/objects that helps writing basic commandline applications
- collector-api - base classes to write collectors
- spark-api - utility classes/objects for writing Spark / Spark Streaming applications
- spark-api-kafka - utility classes/objects for writing Spark Streaming applications using Kafka input streams
- sqlserver - Spark SQL server that automatically register and refresh tables given root directory, supports local file formats like json, csv, parquet as well as remote ones like Cassandra or Elasticsearch
- examples/
- yql-collector - example collectors using YQL https://developer.yahoo.com/yql
- Algebird - https://github.com/twitter/algebird
- Scalaz-Stream - https://github.com/scalaz/scalaz-stream
- Shapeless - https://github.com/milessabin/shapeless
- Apache Spark - http://spark.apache.org
- Argonaut - http://argonaut.io
- Http4S - http://http4s.org
- Spark Connectors - Cassandra