elderresearch / monadic-jfx   0.1.1

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Enrichment classes over JavaFX bindings to provide monadic operations in Scala.

Scala versions: 2.11


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Enrichment classes over JavaFX bindings to provide monadic operations in Scala.

Implemented using the functional programming type-classes from non/cats.

Getting Started

monadic-jfx requires Scala 2.11 and Java 8 build >= 40.

The SBT dependency is:

libraryDependencies += "com.elderresearch" %% "monadic-jfx" % "0.1.1"

In your code, add:

import eri.viz.gui.jfx.monadic._

And then you can create derived bindings with map and flatMap from a JavaFX property/observable value:

import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty
import javafx.scene.control.Label
import eri.viz.gui.jfx.monadic._

// Create a simple data model with property hierarchy
class Player {
  val name = new SimpleObjectProperty[String]("Player 1")
  val stats = new SimpleObjectProperty[PlayerStats](new PlayerStats)

class PlayerStats {
  val highScore = new SimpleObjectProperty[Integer](0)
  val losses = new SimpleObjectProperty[Integer](0)

// Root property
val currentPlayer = new SimpleObjectProperty[Player]

// Some controls with properties to bind
val nameLabel = new Label
val highScoreLabel = new Label

// Name is a simple first order property

// High Score is a second order property with a transformation
    .map(s  s">> $s <<")

// Same thing, but using a for comprehension
  for {
    p  currentPlayer
    s  p.stats
    hs  s.highScore
  } yield s">> $hs <<"

// Test property binding
assert(nameLabel.getText == null)
assert(highScoreLabel.getText == null)

currentPlayer.set(new Player)

assert(nameLabel.getText == "Player 1")
assert(highScoreLabel.getText == ">> 0 <<")

assert(highScoreLabel.getText == ">> 1000000 <<")