Neold is an high performance, programmer-friendly asynchronous Neo4j REST client driver written in scala.
- Main branch : releases.
- Dev branch : snapshots.
Add the following lines to your sbt build file :
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
libraryDependencies += "com.github.elbywan" %% "neold" % "0.2"
To play around with the library, type sbt console
Neold can interact with the Transactional endpoint or the Batch endpoint.
All the sample code below require the following import line :
import org.neold.core.Neold, org.neold.core.Neold._
If you want to copy/paste these code snippets somewhere, don't forget that they are asynchronous.
If you want to use the library synchronously :
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
val future = neo.executeImmediate(query, params)
val result = Await.result(future, Duration.create(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
#####Server location
//Setups Neold with the default endpoint : http://localhost:7474/db/data
Neold("localhost", 7474, "db/data")
Neold("localhost", 7474)
//Those 3 lines are equivalent
Provide your user and password in the username
and password
The secure
flag (default to false) controls whether the request is sent over https.
Neold(username = "Joe", password = "Dalton", secure = true)
Call Neold.shutdown()
to shut down the underlying thread pool.
The transactional endpoint is the default way to interact with Neo4j.
####Executing statements and commiting in a single step
val neo = Neold()
//Single statement
val query = """CREATE (n:Node {prop: {PROPERTY}}) RETURN n"""
neo.executeImmediate1(query, Map("PROPERTY" -> "myProperty")){
//On success
result: String => println(result)
//Multiple statements
val countQuery = """MATCH n RETURN n"""
val insertQuery = """CREATE (n:Node {PROPERTIES}) RETURN n"""
val params = Map("PROPERTIES" -> """{ "prop1": "firstProperty", "prop2": "secondProperty" }""")
val statements = (insertQuery -> params) :: (countQuery -> params) :: List()
neo.executeImmediate(statements : _*){
//On success
result: String => println(result)
Note: The examples below post one query at a time. It is possible to post multiple queries in a single call.
val neo = Neold()
val countQuery = """MATCH (n:Node {prop: {PROPERTY}}) RETURN n"""
val insertQuery = """CREATE (n:Node {prop: {PROPERTY}}) RETURN n"""
val parameters = Map("PROPERTY" -> "MyProperty")
neo.initTransaction(countQuery, parameters){ transaction => result : String =>
//Transaction scope
neo.initTransaction(countQuery, parameters){ transaction => result : String =>
transaction.post1(insertQuery, parameters){ result : String =>
//Print the json result
neo.initTransaction(countQuery, parameters){ transaction => result : String =>
transaction.post1(insertQuery, parameters){ result : String =>
//When done, commit
neo.initTransaction(countQuery, parameters){ transaction => result : String =>
transaction.post1(insertQuery, parameters){ result : String =>
//When done, rollback
The batch endpoint is designed for maximum performance. Statements are buffered locally, before being sent to the endpoint for processing.
val neo = Neold()
val countQuery = """MATCH (n:Node {prop: {PROPERTY}}) RETURN n"""
val insertQuery = """CREATE (n:Node {prop: {PROPERTY}}) RETURN n"""
val parameters = Map("PROPERTY" -> "MyProperty")
neo.bufferQuery(countQuery, parameters)
neo.bufferQuery(insertQuery, parameters)
neo.bufferQuery(countQuery, parameters)
neo.performBatch(){ result: String =>
When you build a parameter Map, Neold automatically escapes certain characters to comply with the Json format,
and adds double quotes around the parameter.
Furthermore, when a parameter begins with {
or [
, it is considered an object or an array, and the quotes are omitted.
You can completely disable (or force) the escaping and the quotes by using the following methods :
//Property forcefully escaped using the method :?, even if its first character is a {.
"CREATE (n:Node {prop: {escaped}})" -> Map("escaped" -> :?("{{//\\escaped//\\}}")),
//Property not escaped using the method :!, and is passed as an integer instead of a string.
"CREATE (n:Node {prop: {notescaped}})" -> Map("notescaped" -> :!("10")),
"MATCH (n:Node) RETURN n" -> Map(),
"MATCH (n:Node) DELETE n" -> Map()
result : String => println(result)
/// Json response :
// {"results":[{"columns":[],"data":[]},{"columns":[],"data":[]},{"columns":["n"],"data":[{"row":[{"prop":"{{//\\escaped//\\}}"}]},{"row":[{"prop":10}]}]},{"columns":[],"data":[]}],"errors":[]}
/// Properties :
// "prop":"{{//\\escaped//\\}}"
// "prop":10
Every Neo4j result is returned as a raw Json string by default to provide optimal performance. You can either use the Json library of you choice to exploit the data, or use the included adapters and helper methods.
Adapters take a Json string as a parameter, and return an Option or an Either object.
Below a small sample of code which should explain how Adapters work :
import org.neold.adapters.Adapters._
import org.neold.adapters.Adapters.TransactionalAdapter._
val neo = Neold()
val query = """CREATE (n:Node {prop: {PROPERTY}}) RETURN n.prop as prop"""
neo.executeImmediate1(query, Map("PROPERTY" -> "myProperty")){ result : String =>
//Maps the results to an Option value containing two nested arrays and a map
//First array : result index
//Second array : row index
//Map : column name -> value
//If there are errors, None
val resultsOpt = toOption(result)
//Helper method, by default maps the value at position (result 0 / row 0)
//Equivalent to{ _(0)(0)("prop")}
println(mapResultRow(resultsOpt){ _("prop")}.getOrElse(""))
//Maps the results to a Left value containing the same two arrays / map as above
//If there are errors, then a Right value is assigned, containing Errors as an Array[(code, message)]
val resultsEither = toEither(result)
_.foreach{error => println(error)},
results => println(results(0)(0)("prop"))
Same as above :
import org.neold.adapters.Adapters._
import org.neold.adapters.Adapters.BatchAdapter._
val neo = Neold()
val query = """CREATE (n:Node {prop: {PROPERTY}}) RETURN n.prop as prop"""
neo.bufferQuery(query, Map("PROPERTY" -> "myProperty"))
neo.performBatch(){ result : String =>
val resultsOpt = toOption(result)
println(mapResultRow(resultsOpt){ _("prop")}.getOrElse(""))
val resultsEither = toEither(result)
_.foreach{error => println(error)},
results => println(results(0)(0)("prop"))
As all functions return Future objects, the methods onSuccess
and onFailure
can be used to check whether the call was successful or not.
//Incorrect Neo4j coordinates
val neo = Neold("badUrl!")
val query = "Not important"
case f : Exception => throw f
To synchronize your calls, for instance inside a transaction you can use the Scala comprehensions.
If you are not familiar with these concepts the Dispatch homepage contains an excellent guide.
Below an example of a synchronized transaction :
val neo = Neold()
val countQuery = "MATCH (n: UserNode) RETURN count(n) as total"
val createQuery = "CREATE (n:UserNode {name: {name}}) RETURN n"
val deleteQuery = "MATCH (n:UserNode) DELETE n"
transaction => countBefore : String =>
create1 <- transaction.post1(createQuery, Map("name" -> "Toto"))
countPlusOne <- transaction.post1(countQuery)
create2 <- transaction.post1(createQuery, Map("name" -> "Titi"))
countPlusTwo <- transaction.post1(countQuery)
deletion <- transaction.post1("MATCH (n:UserNode) DELETE n")
countZero <- transaction.post1(countQuery)
rollBack <- transaction.rollback()
} yield{
The following libraries are used :
- Full REST API support
- Constraints
- Better concurrency