eikek / htmx4s   0.2.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Scala (3) library aiming to make working with htmx more convenient.

Scala versions: 3.x


This is a scala (3) library aiming to make working with htmx more convenient.

The example project builds the contact demo application from the htmx book using this library. Please have a look at the code of the example for getting an idea how this library can be used.

It is comprised of the following modules:


This module has no dependencies and simply provides constants around htmx vocabulary as scala values. Using it you can use symbols instead of strings.

The htmx markdown documentation is used to generate code. It also adds corresponding paragraphs as scala-doc, so the documentation for each htmx value is readily available in the IDE.

This module contains traits that have all htmx attributes, events, request/response header names and classes as scala values.


libraryDependencies += "com.github.eikek" %% "htmx4s-constants" % "$VERSION"


Provides attribute definitions for htmx. Importing the custom Bundle gives access to all the htmx attributes.

The htmx markdown documentation is also used here to generate code.


libraryDependencies += "com.github.eikek" %% "htmx4s-scalatags" % "$VERSION"


Provides htmx header definitions for http4s, a small dsl extension for htmx operations and some other small utilities.


libraryDependencies += "com.github.eikek" %% "htmx4s-http4s" % "$VERSION"

Additionally, the http4s-scalatags utility library is probably useful to include as well:

libraryDependencies += "org.http4s" %% "http4s-scalatags" % "version"

The example contact app

The example folder contains a little application (from the htmx book) demonstrating using this library. It based on the following idea:

  • http4s as the http stack
  • Htmx (and potentially more js stuff) is pulled in via webjars
    • A helper WebjarRoute provided by htmx4s-http4s allows to easily serve assets from webjars
  • Scalatags with htmx4s-scalatags for creating the html views
  • tailwindcss is used for styles, using their provided binary to create the final css file

JS and CSS is build by sbt via the TailwindCssPlugin and JsPlugin, respectively (in the project/ folder). The resulting files will be copied into the location used by the webjar standard and they can be served via the WebjarRoute as any other webjar.

Running the example

The tailwindcss binary and terser is required, as well as sbt. If you have nix installed, you can run nix develop to drop into a shell with everything ready.

Start sbt in the source root and run

sbt> example/reStart

in sbt shell. Then go to http://localhost:8888/ui/contacts to try out the contact app.