eed3si9n / gigahorse-github   gigahorse0.3.1_0.2.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Gigahorse plugin for Github API v3

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 2.10


gigahorse-github is a Gigahorse plugin for github API v3.


libraryDependencies ++= List"com.eed3si9n" %% "gigahorse-github" % "gigahorse0.3.1_0.2.0", "com.eed3si9n" %% "gigahorse-okhttp" % "0.3.1")


you can choose one from the four authenticating clients:

  • Local Github Config (Github.localConfigClient)
  • OAuth (Github.oauthClient)
  • BasicAuth (Github.basicAuthClient)
  • none (Github.noAuthClient)

Local Github Config client uses OAuth token stored in the environment varable GITHUB_TOKEN or git config github.token.

setting OAuth token to git config

create token:

  1. Account settings > Applications
  2. Personal access tokens > Generate new token

then save that token:

$ git config --global --add github.token your_token

now we can hit the GitHub API using the token:

scala> import gigahorse._, support.okhttp.Gigahorse
import gigahorse._

scala> import gigahorse.github.Github
import gigahorse.github.Github

scala> import scala.concurrent._, duration._
import scala.concurrent._
import duration._

scala> val client = Github.localConfigClient
client: gigahorse.github.LocalConfigClient = LocalConfigClient(OAuthClient(****, List(StringMediaType(application/json), GithubMediaType(Some(v3),None,Some(json)))))

scala> Gigahorse.withHttp { http =>
         val f ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse")), Github.asRepo)
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
res0: gigahorse.github.response.Repo = Repo(, gigahorse, 64110679, User(, eed3si9n, 184683, Some(, Some(, Some(), Some(User), Some(true), None, None), eed3si9n/gigahorse, Some(an HTTP client for Scala with Async Http Client underneath), true, true, Some(, Some(, Some(git://, Some(, Some(, Some(Scala), Some(0), Some(23), Some(187), Some(0.1.x), Some(0), Some(java.util.GregorianCalendar[time=?,areFieldsSet=false,areAllFieldsSet=true,lenient=true,zone...

general design

Following the ethos of Gigahorse (and Dispatch Reboot), gigahorse-github splits request hander and response handler apart. the request handler is generally responsible for constructing the request URL sometimes with additional parameters or HTTP headers.

You can choose what format you would like Gigahorse to return the response in. If you want raw string, you specify Github.asString. if you want JSON, you say Github.asJson.

If you just want case classes of commonly used fields, you say Github.asRepo etc, and it would give you Repo case class.

media type

Custom media types are used in the API to let consumers choose the format of the data they wish to receive. This is done by adding one or more of the following types to the Accept header when you make a request.

media type variations are supported on authenticating clients by mixing in Mime[R]. Here's an example of raw format:

scala> val blob_sha = "ac28ec8ee30e89ae807f3ef52f471ffc68783b28"
blob_sha: String = ac28ec8ee30e89ae807f3ef52f471ffc68783b28

scala> Gigahorse.withHttp { http =>
         val f ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_blob(blob_sha)), Github.asString)
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
res1: String =


Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 30 items by default.

The pagination info is included in the Link header. It is important to follow these Link header values instead of constructing your own URLs.

paged responses can be parsed into Paged[A], which wraps Seq[A] url links included in HTTP header, and optionally total count for search result.

scala> val http = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config)
http: gigahorse.HttpClient = AchHttpClient(com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig@6c8de61d)

scala> val f ="sbt", "sbt"), Github.asIssues)
f: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue]] = List()

scala> val iss = Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
iss: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue] =
Paged(Vector(Issue(, Some(, Some(2686), Some(open), Some(updateSbtClassifiers ...

scala> iss.next_page
res2: Option[String] = Some(

scala> val f2 =, Github.asIssues)
f2: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue]] = List()

scala> val iss2 = Await.result(f2, 2.minutes)
iss2: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue] =
Paged(Vector(Issue(, Some(, Some(2685), Some(open), Some(scripted ...

scala> http.close // make sure you call this

here's to querying for a repository as Json.

scala> Gigahorse.withHttp(Gigahorse.config) { http =>
         val f ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse")), Github.asJson)
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
res5: scala.json.ast.unsafe.JValue = JObject([Lscala.json.ast.unsafe.JField;@2daef479)
scala> val json = x()
json: org.json4s.JValue = JObject(List((id,JInt(2960515)), (name,JString(reboot)), (full_name,JString(dispatch/reboot)), (owner,JObject(List((login,JString(dispatch)), (id,JInt(1115066)), ....

scala> CompactPrinter(res5)
res6: String = {"default_branch":"0.1.x","stargazers_url":"",....

here's the same query using case class response handler.

scala> val repo = Gigahorse.withHttp(Gigahorse.config) { http =>
         val f ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse")), Github.asRepo)
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
repo: gigahorse.github.response.Repo = Repo(, gigahorse, 64110679,....

List repositories for the authenticated user.

here's how to list repositories for the authenticated user. optionally, sort parameter can be passed in.

scala> val repos = Gigahorse.withHttp(Gigahorse.config) { http =>
         val f ="pushed").asc), Github.asRepos)
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
repos: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Repo] = Paged(Vector(Repo(

here's how to do the same for a specific user.

scala> val repos = Gigahorse.withHttp(Gigahorse.config) { http =>
         val f ="eed3si9n").repos.sort("pushed").asc), Github.asRepos)
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
repos: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Repo] = Paged(Vector(Repo(

This will return an array of all the references on the system, including things like notes and stashes if they exist on the server.

scala> val http = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config)
http: gigahorse.HttpClient = AchHttpClient(com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig@416e404f)

scala> val refs ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_refs), Github.asGitRefs)
refs: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.GitRef]] = List()

scala> Await.result(refs, 2.minutes)
res9: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.GitRef] = Paged(Vector(GitRef(....

The ref in the URL must be formatted as heads/branch, not just branch.

scala> val ref ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_refs.heads("0.1.x")), Github.asGitRef)
ref: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.GitRef] = List()

scala> Await.result(refs, 2.minutes)
res10: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.GitRef] = Paged(Vector(GitRef(....

You can also request a sub-namespace. For example, to get all the tag references, you can call:

GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/tags

val tagRefs ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_refs.tags), Github.asGitRefs)

scala> val tagRefs ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_refs.tags), Github.asGitRefs)
tagRefs: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.GitRef]] = List()

scala> Await.result(tagRefs, 2.minutes)
res11: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.GitRef] = Paged(Vector(GitRef(

scala> http.close // make sure you call this

GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/commits/:sha

scala> val commit_sha = "d7b8bb43d003e58f55af7b3592e7ce1fb986d0f3"
commit_sha: String = d7b8bb43d003e58f55af7b3592e7ce1fb986d0f3

scala> val commit = Gigahorse.withHttp(Gigahorse.config) { http =>
         val f ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_commit(commit_sha)), Github.asGitCommit)
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
commit: gigahorse.github.response.GitCommit = GitCommit(,....

git reference can also be passed in.

scala> import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._

scala> val commit = Gigahorse.withHttp(Gigahorse.config) { http =>
         val f = for {
           // this returns a GitRef case class
           master <-"eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_refs.heads("0.1.x")), Github.asGitRef)
           // this returns a GitCommit case class
           x <-"eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_commit(master)), Github.asGitCommit)
         } yield x
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)

GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/trees/:sha

scala> val http = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config)
http: gigahorse.HttpClient = AchHttpClient(com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig@1c5e0a3)

scala> val tree_sha = "d19f416669ea6a2ffc22ab91bed8a9feff48e778"
tree_sha: String = d19f416669ea6a2ffc22ab91bed8a9feff48e778

scala> val trees ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_trees(tree_sha)), Github.asGitTrees)
trees: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.GitTrees] = List()

scala> Await.result(trees, 2.minutes)
res13: gigahorse.github.response.GitTrees = GitTrees(, ...

Get a tree recursively

scala> val trees ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_trees(tree_sha).recursive(10)), Github.asGitTrees)
trees: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.GitTrees] = List()

scala> Await.result(trees, 2.minutes)
res14: gigahorse.github.response.GitTrees = GitTrees(,,...

here's how to get a tree from a git commit.

scala> val trees = for {
         commit <-"eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_commit(commit_sha)), Github.asGitCommit)
         trees <-"eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_trees(commit)), Github.asGitTrees)
       } yield trees
trees: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.GitTrees] = List()

scala> Await.result(trees, 2.minutes)
res15: gigahorse.github.response.GitTrees = GitTrees(, ...

scala> http.close // make sure you call this

GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/blobs/:sha

scala> val http = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config)
http: gigahorse.HttpClient = AchHttpClient(com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig@1c5e0a3)

scala> val blob_sha = "ac28ec8ee30e89ae807f3ef52f471ffc68783b28"
blob_sha: String = ac28ec8ee30e89ae807f3ef52f471ffc68783b28

scala> val blob ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_blob(blob_sha)), Github.asGitBlob)
blob: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.GitBlob] = List()

scala> Await.result(blob, 2.minutes)
res20: gigahorse.github.response.GitBlob =
GitBlob(, ac28ec8ee30e89ae807f3ef52f471ffc68783b28, base64, cHJvamVjdC9wZi5zYnQKcGYuc2J0Cgpyc3luYy5zaAo=
, Some(32))

git the blob as raw. (Note client.raw)

scala> val blob ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse").git_blob(blob_sha)), Github.asString)
blob: scala.concurrent.Future[String] = List()

scala> Await.result(blob, 2.minutes)
res21: String =

scala> http.close // make sure you call this

List all issues across all the authenticated user’s visible repositories including owned repositories, member repositories, and organization repositories:

GET /issues

scala> val http = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config)
http: gigahorse.HttpClient = AchHttpClient(com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig@1c5e0a3)

scala> val iss =, Github.asIssues)
iss: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue]] = List()

scala> Await.result(iss, 2.minutes)
res23: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue] =
Paged(Vector(Issue(, Some(, ....

parameters can be passed in as chained method calls.

scala> {
         val iss ="bug").asc), Github.asIssues)
         Await.result(iss, 2.minutes)
res26: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue] =

scala> http.close // make sure you call this

get a single user.

scala> val http = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config)
http: gigahorse.HttpClient = AchHttpClient(com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig@1c5e0a3)

scala> val usr ="eed3si9n")), Github.asUser)
usr: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.User] = List()

scala> Await.result(usr, 2.minutes)
res27: gigahorse.github.response.User = User(, eed3si9n, 184683, Some(,...

get the authenticated user.

scala> val usr =, Github.asUser)
usr: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.User] = List()

scala> Await.result(usr, 2.minutes)
res28: gigahorse.github.response.User = User(, eed3si9n, 184683, Some(,...

List all public organizations for an unauthenticated user. Lists private and public organizations for authenticated users.

scala> val orgs ="eed3si9n").orgs), Github.asOrgs)
orgs: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.User]] = List()

scala> Await.result(orgs, 2.minutes)
res29: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.User] = Paged(Vector(User(, scala, 57059, None, Some(,...

search repositories

Find repositories via various criteria. This method returns up to 100 results per page.

here's how to run search for repositories. note response hander needs to be ReposSearch instead of Repos.

scala> val repos ="gigahorse language:scala")), Github.asReposSearch)
repos: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Repo]] = List()

scala> Await.result(repos, 2.minutes)
res30: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Repo] = Paged(Vector(Repo(, gigahorse, 64110679,

scala> Await.result(repos, 2.minutes).total_count
res31: Option[Long] = Some(2)

search code

Find file contents via various criteria. (This method returns up to 100 results per page.)

use CodeSearch as the response handler. this returns Paged[BlobRef].

scala> val code ="\"abstract class Gigahorse\" in:file repo:eed3si9n/gigahorse")),
code: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.BlobRef]] = List()

scala> Await.result(code, 2.minutes)
res32: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.BlobRef] = Paged(Vector(BlobRef(,...

searching also supports text_match media type, which uses TextMatches response handler.

scala> val tms ="\"abstract class Gigahorse\" in:file repo:eed3si9n/gigahorse")),
tms: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.TextMatches]] = List()

scala> Await.result(tms, 2.minutes)
res33: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.TextMatches] =
Paged(Vector(TextMatches(Vector(TextMatch(, FileContent....

search issues

Find issues by state and keyword. (This method returns up to 100 results per page.)

use ReposSearch as the response handler.

scala> val iss ="sbt-datatype 0.2.3 repo:eed3si9n/gigahorse")), Github.asIssuesSearch)
iss: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue]] = List()

scala> Await.result(iss, 2.minutes)
res34: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.Issue] = Paged(Vector(Issue(, Some(, Some(1), Some(closed), Some(sbt-datatype 0.2.3),....

search users

Find users via various criteria. (This method returns up to 100 results per page.)

scala> val users ="eed3si9n")), Github.asUsersSearch)
users: scala.concurrent.Future[gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.User]] = List()

scala> Await.result(users, 2.minutes)
res35: gigahorse.github.response.Paged[gigahorse.github.response.User] = Paged(Vector(User(, eed3si9n, 184683, Some(

scala> http.close // make sure you call this