edadma / options   0.2

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Simple, easy to use command line options parser

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11

Simple Command Line Options Parser

This is a very simple and easy to use command line options parser for Scala applications. Althought it doesn't have a dazzling range of cleverly implemented features, it is quite useful for most applications that take command line options, and you will understand how to use it in about 3 minutes flat.

Here is an example of how to use it:

import ca.hyperreal.options

object TestMain extends App
	val options = new Options( List("-a", "-d"), List("-b", "-c"), List("-e" -> ((a, b) => b.resultBuffer += "happy")), "-c" -> "happy" )
	println( options parse Array( "-a", "wow", "-b", "awesome", "be", "-e" ) )
	println( options )

The above example produces the following output:

List(wow, be, happy)
switches Map(-a -> true, -d -> false);  arguments Map(-c -> happy, -b -> awesome)

The hypothetical command line arguments that are being parsed are

-a wow -b awesome be -e

where -a is a switch (on/off), wow is just a string (e.g. filename) to be gathered, -b is an argument (associated with what comes after it), be is another string to be gathered, and -e causes the word happy to be appended to the result.

In the example above, we begin by creating an Options object by providing a list of switches, a list of arguments, a list of special handlers, followed by default values for argument options. Then we parse the command line options by calling parse, which returns a list of strings that appeared on the command line not associated with any argument options. The Options object can now be querried using: set( name: String ): Boolean to check if a switch is set, apply( name: String ): String to get the value of an argument if you are sure it was set (i.e. it was given a default value), and get( name: String ): Option[String] (which returns Option[String]) to get the value of an argument whether it's set or not.


Options is distributed under the MIT License, meaning that you are free to use it in your free or proprietary software.


Use the following elements to use Options in your Maven project:



Add the following to your build.sbt file to use Options in your SBT project:

resolvers += "Hyperreal Repository" at "https://dl.bintray.com/edadma/maven"

libraryDependencies += "ca.hyperreal" %% "options" % "0.1"